Im an organ donor. Sometimes when the topic comes up the reaction - TopicsExpress


Im an organ donor. Sometimes when the topic comes up the reaction is, Oh, the medical establishment will end your life early to harvest your organs... My response? First of all, assuming that is true. Are you trying to tell me that your one little, short life is more important than the estimated 40 people who will be benefited by your death? Anyway, if youre a Christian its a pretty poor excuse. Secondly, if the medical establishment really was out to make money, the real conspiracy would be keeping you alive past any quality of life, and the other people maimed or on the edge of death. Ask any doctor you know.. Pick any at random, theyll pretty much all tell you the same: theyd rather die quick and no deal with all that end-of-life care stuff. To them its just not worth it. As a closing note, its interesting that with the emotion around assisted suicide and such that many people I know when faced with the choice, or contemplating it ahead of time, would choose/have chosen to forgo certain treatment that could prolong their life, as it would not restore or improve their quality of life, merely drag out their death.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 15:47:26 +0000

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