Im angry tonight, For starters I just came back from the movies - TopicsExpress


Im angry tonight, For starters I just came back from the movies with my daughter. World War Z very interesting. She is in town once again because she has to appear in court tomorrow. You know why I go to court and who for. I paid to put brakes and tires on her car, Why? Because I am the nicest person you will have ever met in your life. and you will never have the chance to see that because you refuse to. as my therapist had said, Im trying to help everybody in the world, but not myself. In reality, you are the only person who can help me. and if you refuse to then I dont get helped. You have never met anybody like me and Im sure you never will. Not sure what Im talking about? because you never gave it a chance. I do so much for others that I hardly care about, imagine what I would do for you with all the Love I have for you. . When we met, what was that about, I was searching for somebody with the same problems, so I can help them. Gee I think I did a real good job helping you, but helping you, didnt have the pay off that I would have liked. Thanks but see ya later. Ill call you once a month. Sorry I fell in Love with you and that wasnt good enough for me. Its odd, But I have dated at least 7 woman since you, and couldnt fall in Love with any of them. In here I cry for you every night, and day. and get nothing from you, but I know your out there. And you never stop to ask yourself why you cant stop reading this stuff. what I am doing is filling you in with all you missed from actually talking to me. Filling our need to stay in contact with me, But you still never care about my needs. with that, my Drs appointment is tomorrow, Thats the last you will hear about my health. I will treat you the way you treat me. No news is no news, I will also be in court for my own issues, not the divorce, its the stuff I told you about a while back. I dont understand why you did this to me. Never telling me the real reasons were torture and still is. I write to you every night sometimes 3 times a night, Because I Love you, And I hope and pray you see that one day. That you may require somebody to Love you more then anybody else can and till the day one of us leaves this earth. Someone who will never cheat, Lie or hurt. Im not going to go down that list again. Im hurting for you. and it hurts so much. I am out of ways to show you how much I love you within your rules that I follow. No contact, no stalking, No gifts or Flowers, No airplane writing in the sky, No letting the world know how much I Love you. No nothing. I still cant pass roses without thinking of you, I guess I enjoyed sending them more then you enjoyed receiving them. My God if you would have allowed me to, I would have blown your mind. But I wasnt allowed to do anything. ever when we first met, there were strict rules. I never had the freedom to be me around you, then you have the balls to tell me there was no chemistry. When you were with me you were still in love with somebody else. then you finally learned to love yourself, more then I expected, then you learned to love somebody else, just passing me right by. using me. and stupid Dumb ass me, still loves you. 12:30 am and Im still up pouring my heart out to you. There is a huge message here, I wonder if you will ever get it. Sorry I was so angry, and I Love you.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 04:30:04 +0000

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