Im asked often why am I single...heres the honest truth. Due to - TopicsExpress


Im asked often why am I single...heres the honest truth. Due to something that happened to me as a child Im so afraid of choosing a mate who wont see my daughters as his. I want a relationship that is lasting and that also involves cohabitation. If he gets up in the middle of the night to get something to drink, I dont wanna try and listen to see my daughters room door will open. I dont want to critique my daughters clothing based upon a man that I love and says that he loves me eyes that may roam. I like that they are free...booty shorts, no bra and hair all over their heads. It gets lonely but I cant trade them being uncomfortable for my happiness. There are more guys that wouldnt than would but sifting through takes more time than I have available. Unless God sends him...Im not really looking. I want a guy with morals. One who wont mess with a teenager just because shes over 18. One who can teach my daughters what kind of man to want and my son what kind of man to be. I want a man who isnt ashamed to lift his hands up in church. A man who will tell my daughter to put on some clothes before it flys out of my mouth. A man who guards me and my family like the world is at war and he is OUR first line of defence! A man who sees US as his duty and responsibility. A man who can make a bed and barbeque...a man that can walk out of our bedroom and close the door behind him so the tv wont disturb me and I fall back to sleep feeling the trust for him and secure. A man who my children introduce as their dad even tho they call him by his first name. Im single because I want a lot and some may think that I want too much...or that its too hard to find. Its not...many of yall have what I just described and I want that too :-)
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 04:05:32 +0000

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