Im at work but I thought Id post a status about last nights Royal - TopicsExpress


Im at work but I thought Id post a status about last nights Royal Rumble. So me being in the UK I stayed up until 4am to watch it, and like a lot of UK fans I felt a bit ripped off despite the excellent showing by Rollins, Cena and Lesnar in the Title match. The Rumble match itself went from bad to worse. I felt the pivotal change was when Bryan was eliminated early. I feel like the fans could have overcome that if everything from then on wasnt terrible. After Bryans elimination, Reigns had the red carpet laid out in front of him and the fans knew exactly what was coming from then on, and let everyone know with a chorus of boos. Reigns had been thrown under the bridge again, just like Batista and Mysterio last year.Theyre getting so good at it youd think they plan it that way. No Bryan, one of the favourites out, and only really Reigns with the possibility of winning. No surprises from here on then. But not quite - it was surprisingly worse than we all imagined. A few more Superstars came out, all to a chorus of boos. Im sure they said thank you WWE creative for that. Mizdow made his way to the ring and it seemed like the WWE could turn it around if Mizdow could have a good run. But he was eliminated in a few minutes by Rusev. More boos. Wow, theyre on a role, right? Youd think they must get something right. Then we have another chance to save the night. Ryback, Swagger and Ambrose come to the ring. BnB and Cesaro make it to the ring, again scattered boos and, worse than that, it seemed like the crowd had actually stopped caring. It was half boos half nothingness. Ryback, one of two (Ambrose being the other one) over guys who could pull it back, gets eliminated too easily. Jack Swagger goes with him, another guy who was over and went out early. As it comes down to the one spot, #30, we know its Ziggler, and the only thing that can appease the crowd at this point is a Ziggler win. What actually happened had me open mouthed. Ziggler chose to stay on the outside of the apron pretty much the entire time he was in the Rumble. I could actually see some fans screaming at him. There was one point where he came back in the ropes, then chose to step back out onto the apron, and I just thought.... you have to be joking. This is where creative comes in with the idea of the night. So Vince and the guys are talking backstage, and one creative guy says Hey, you know how the fans love the authority and Kanes Corporate Kane gimmick and Big Show and that, what if we get them both to team up and knock out all the fan favourites and toss them out like rag dolls? The fans will love that, right?! Ziggler, Ambrose? No one likes them so well just have Big Show and Kane toss them out. Or the alternative scenario: Okay, the three most over guys in the WWE right now are Ambrose, Ziggler, and DB, what should we do with them in the Rumble, how can we make their eliminations look really good and surprise people? Guy in the corner of the room: Just have them dropped out of the ring unceremoniously with little to no fight back? Vince Hes got it! Thats what well do! By this time I was thinking Bullsh*t and thats when the fans started chanting. I was absolutely outraged at how poorly thought out the choreography and story of the night had been played out. Like THIS is the best they can come up with? THIS? Then Reigns stands there for five minutes trying to toss both Kane and Big Show over the rope to make him look really strong, and at this point the fans are giving WWE the f**k you. As the crowd start chanting for Rusev, one of the most hated guys in the WWE right now, to win over Reigns, its clear how bad the situation has become. But for the icing on the cake - Rusev enters only to be tossed out again in under a minute, just to give a final f**k you and your ticket to the fans. After the match, once Big Show and Kane decide to pointlessly attack Reigns, The Rocks music hits but its half cheer half we dont care by this point. I think the fans were actually liking Big Show and Kane attacking Reigns if anything, so The Rock coming out to save him once the Rumble match was over was kind of like, so what? We all know hell be gone after this so its literally just him showing his face. Then Cena and Rusev setup a feud Im not sure anyone cares about. While the panel are talking fans walking past are booing the panel and letting the team know their feelings. I think its fair to say that most fans who attended the Rumble went home disappointed. You could see it in their faces. They didnt pay money for that, and I doubt many will again. They did it last year at the Rumble with Batista, they did at WM30 with the breaking of the streak by a part timer, now theyve done it again at this RR. The fans wont sit and take much more botched, bad decisions at major PPVs. I thought the title match was great, even though I wanted a Rollins win. But it was still a great match. I really dont think the WWE needs Lesnar anymore, his push has faded and Rollins is the future, that much is clear. Look how different the match turned out just by adding Rollins, he elevated everyones performances. Brock on his own is boring, Id fast forward it if he didnt only appear a few times a year. Even then its hard to watch. Footnotes. Things that would have saved The Rumble: 1) Bryan Makes it to the last 4 2) Sting Appears 3) Randy Orton appears 4) Ziggler makes it to the last 4 5) The Rock appears in the Rumble to knock out Show and/or Kane with Roman Reigns - WWE Universe 6) Mizdow, Ryback, Ambrose, or Swagger last longer than they did 7) Ziggler, Mizdow, Cesaro, DB, Ryback or Ambrose win 8) Reigns not following DBs elimination 9) The removal of the obvious setup at the end with Reigns eliminating both Big Show and Kane, switching it to something more believable and less staged What did you guys think? -w33bz
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 13:00:40 +0000

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