Im becoming more annoyed with people and their negative comments - TopicsExpress


Im becoming more annoyed with people and their negative comments or responses to posts I read on here. It seems there are certain folks that feel the need to put down others, insult them, and their lack of compassion towards others is very concerning for me. Its getting to the point to where I dont want to submit myself to any of the news articles on here because of it. Thank goodness none of my friends on here have done this. These are people I dont know nor (after reading their comments) would I care to ever know. I get the impression, from what I read, that there is a growing deficit of compassion and genuine concern for others, at a time in our lives when we should be more understanding and supportive. We are drifting away from each other and pulling ourselves into our own little self absorbed worlds. The its all about me or whats in it for ME? attitudes are a total misconception of where we need to be in our attitudes, behaviors, and in our hearts. I apologize for the soap box, but I stay silent till I cant take it anymore, then I have to vent. I am so disappointed in the growing public attitude and resulting behaviors. I spent the entire weekend at work, trying to help a teenage boy, who suffered a horrible home life, resulting in lack of love and stability. He is wanting to give up. He is harming himself and crying out his misery to us. I pulled him in to my love and positive energy to help him the best way I knew how. I listened to him, never judging him, and let him know I was there and that I genuinely cared. He wants to die. I also witnessed others not being so caring in their attitudes and how they treated him. How can people treat each other this way?! Come on folks, its not a hard thing to do. Its not a sign of weakness to have compassion! I often get made fun of for taking my time with these kinds of kids. I dont care. Im not the one who will step aside when I see a breaking heart or a soul in need. I just wish we ALL would get back to supporting and helping each other, and stop with the verbal aggression, passive aggression, sarcasm, and down right hatred of each other. Thank you for your time and patiently reading this rant. Please, spread the word, give yourself to others in your time and support. I was raised on if you dont have anything nice to say, then dont say anything at all.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:42:10 +0000

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