Im being punished.... Played first game of league today Talon and - TopicsExpress


Im being punished.... Played first game of league today Talon and Nid spent the whole game in the base at the inhibitors because they were watching Twitch TV and couldnt be bothered to play the game that entered. Played second game of league today Karma informs us two mins in that she has to leave to eat. Played third game of league today last man to pick waits until 2 second before lock in and selects Udyr after Ive already called top and locked in Irelia, then spends entire game in top lane leaving caitlyn bot solo. Played a bot game next suffered through dou top, solo bot, and afk "jungler". Played fourth game of league today, premade dou spam BOT and select Lissandra support and Master Yi adc, then Master Yi waits until Warwicks blue is at 200 hp and alphastrikes in for the steal on the buff and takes half his exp. Then Warwick disconnects for 10 mins after running half his jungle. But Im the troll for yelling telling Master Yi exactly what I think of him and his performance. I really dont know why I bother playing this some days.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 04:30:06 +0000

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