Im bringing you a new segment in which I ask admins and friends - TopicsExpress


Im bringing you a new segment in which I ask admins and friends wrestling questions, some general and some topical. Heres the first one I did with TRLSr and Hollywood Jhon Cnea. Neo: As we head towards Hell in a Cell brother, which match are you most looking forward to dudes? And why jack? TRLSr: Cena vs Orton cause Cnea 1# Neo: Switching the focus over to NXT, who do you think will be the next NXT Champion? Whos going to get the next call up? Whos your favourite NXT guy? TRLSr: Sami Zayn, Neville or Balor, Sami Zayn and Enzo Amore. Neo: Moving back to Raw, its an interesting situation (in my opinion) that seems to be developing with The Wyatt Family in these recent promos. What do you make of it? Are you a fan of The Wyatts? TRLSr: The Wyatts are great and I think if creative doesnt have anything for them that breaking them up is a mistake. I feel its too early to split them up but if it leads to a good singles run for Bray then itll be cool. Neo: Quite a general question now, but what would you say is your favourite ever rivalry? TRLSr: Austin/McMahon Hollywood Jhon Cnea: Cnea vs Pank Neo: Last question, if you could book your dream feud what would it be? TRLSr: Enzo and Cas vs New Age Outlaws Hollywood Jhon Cnea: It would probably be cnea vs halkster -Admin Neo
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 15:05:31 +0000

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