Im constantly baffled by people and their thoughts about - TopicsExpress


Im constantly baffled by people and their thoughts about conservatism. As if being a fiscal conservative makes you, somehow, lacking empathy for the downtrodden. I would suggest to all who care to listen AND PAY ATTENTION to the SUBSTANCE, do so until the thought is finished. Its logic is undeniable. Today and the results of liberal, socialist policy are ...undeniable. After 6 years it is ridiculous to attribute ownership of the mess to any otner than thedivider in chief. The republican held House is reduced to feebly TRYING to block socialist radicalism. Almost irrelevant beyond that IMPORTANT singular purpose. Senate is dominated by mafia style tactics. Reid is a criminal. Anyone think he actually cares about the constitution is a fool. A CR-IM-I-NAL. A total idiot who says the border is secure.. Somebody told him. Probably the same one that told him Romney paid ZERO taxes. A nameless imaginary friend. The only kind a scumbag like Reid has. Represents Vegas..Where mafia still reigns. Go figure. Nice, Nevada. Hes a BASTARD but hes your BASTARD. So its all good. So my question to any remaining obama fans- this stagnant, elitist economy, where only the insulated thrive. This free market where the tax and spend clowns have a death grip choke hold on the golden goose. This magnificent machine that CREATES wealth rather than redistributes an ever shrinking pie. Margaret Thatcher once said brilliantly, - problem with socialism is eventually you RUN OUT OF OTHER PEOPLES MONEY.. Shes the WORLD LEADER and STALWART US ALLY that obama dissed by sending NOBODY TO HER FUNERAL. The racist, divider sent 3 , count em THREE representatives to the THUG, browns service in Ferguson. Nice contrast.. like freeing 5 prime terrorists for a Muslim traitor but IGNORING A CHRISTIAN PTSD affected marine in a Mexican prison for going on 6 months now. Our jackass Governor Brown had the mex prez for a visit, opened his arms TO ALL THE ILLEGALS HE CAN ENCOURAGE, but knows NOTHING ABOUT OUR MARINE? Even though they had to take their scummy gathering indoors for the protesters noise over the wall.. Nice, Jackass.. So what is kind to the downtrodden when every ethnic group in need is doubly burdened by double unemployment, fuel at all tim highs. Obama wants us to have European prices. $7-$8a gallon.. HIS WORDS! HIS WISH.. EPA fakes methane vent tests to falsify the fracking findings as the REAL TEST FAILED TO SHOW FLAMMABILITY.. Ends justify the means to libs. Evil America. Muslim president leaves our southern border to allow terrorist access.. obama fans-love your results? Life good now? Right... Stumped a friend asking- name a socialist system that has worked. NO ANSWER...
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 21:33:09 +0000

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