Im convinced! If you are truly seeking God, I mean you really want - TopicsExpress


Im convinced! If you are truly seeking God, I mean you really want Him to have control over your life, show you His power and give you His blessings. Then you will make Jesus the focus of your faith. We preach/teach Jesus Christ crucified, nothing more and nothing less. What He accomplished and completed on Calvarys Cross is all that is needed to have and enjoy a victorious Christian Life, no man needs to add or subtract from this formula. I speak to people daily that are spiritually confused, they want to live for God but just dont know how. They need the power of God in there lives but they just dont know how to obtain it. Paul wrote in 1 Cor.1:18, For the Message of the Cross is to them who perish foolishness: but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. Hmmm... what is this message that he speaks of. Is it salvation? Is it deliverance? Can I really get Gods power from it? Now your confused huh? We start a midweek Bible study this Wednesday @11am, come and join us. Loving life today, Pastor Mike
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 12:13:28 +0000

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