Im definitely not a coffee drinker but I get this question ALL the - TopicsExpress


Im definitely not a coffee drinker but I get this question ALL the time! If you refuse to put away the cup and drink hot water with lemon like me then this article is for you! Have your coffee and drink it too! Having trouble viewing this email? Click here. Me and coffee, we’re like two peas in a very caffeinated pod. I don’t like to imagine what life would be like without it, nor do I really want to live that life. Huh? you say. Isabel, don’t we have to give up coffee when we begin to follow that Beyond Diet plan? The simple answer is NO and I know this brings great joy to every one of you that loves your morning java just as much as I do. Before you start your happy dance, there are several important details I must share with you before you keep chugging down your caffeinated beverage of choice. The type of coffee, amount you drink, and what you put in it all affect your weight loss plan in critical ways. So, if you want to keep drinking coffee, you must, and I mean MUST, adhere to my suggestions below. Caffeine is a stimulant and as such can have a negative effect on your mood, your energy levels, and on many organs in your body. The good news is that these effects are typically amount sensitive so if we stay within the safe ranges of caffeine intake, we are minimizing the bad effects and experiencing only the good. Good, you say? Isabel, does that mean coffee may be good for me? Yes, in controlled amounts coffee has been shown to increase focus and energy, improve fat burning, lower your risk of Type II Diabetes, protect you from Alzheimer’s and dementia, and lower your risk of Parkinson’s disease. With a list like that, why isn’t everyone drinking coffee all day long? The benefits come with a few caveats and guidelines that are important to follow. Isabel’s Beyond Diet Coffee Drinking Guidelines 1. Organic coffee is the way to go. I decided to start with the hardest one first. Did you know that coffee is one of the most chemically treated crops in the world? Two hundred and fifty pounds…yes I said 250 pounds... of chemical fertilizers bathe your coffee beans. When you drink conventional coffee, you are ingesting these pesticide residues, which can contribute to a long list of problems, including cancer and miscarriages in women. Since most places dont sell organic coffee by the cup, youre going to have to make your coffee at home. I know some of you may be resistant to this one at first, but consider that not only will you be avoiding the pounds of pesticides that are in your conventional coffee, youll also save yourself tons of money. If you are spending an average of $3 - $4 each day on your morning coffee (loaded with pesticides), in one month you could save $90 - $120 and in one year that adds up to $1,080 - $1,440…WOW!!! One pound of organic coffee typically costs around $12 and can last an entire month. Add in a few extra dollars for some stevia and milk and your coffee budget will quickly go down to $20 a month, or $240 a year. Is that a huge difference or what? 2. Ditch the creamer, sugar and artificial sweeteners. Like drinking a cup of pesticides wasn’t bad enough, now throw a little high fructose corn syrup, processed sugar and aspartame into the mix and now we have a recipe for super accelerated weight gain. Just one quick glance at the ingredients list of any creamer will show you exactly why it is not a part of your healthy weight loss regime, and sugar or artifical sweeteners are a major reason why obesity is such a big problem in our world today. Instead of creamer you can use coconut milk, almond milk, rice milk, or raw organic milk. Instead of sugar or artificial sweeteners you can use stevia or raw honey (three of my favorite recipes below). 3. Drink no more than two cups per day. Look, I get it. You’re tired, and the demands of your life seem like they require a permanent IV of caffeine all day long. I’ve been there just like you have, but what I quickly realized was the more coffee I drank, the more tired I became. The benefits of coffee are most definitely dose dependent and any more than two 8-ounce cups in a day can cause energy crashes, poor sleep, dependency headaches (where if you don’t have it, your head feels like it might explode), and the worst of all, adrenal fatigue. If you’re currently drinking more than two 8-ounce cups a day, get yourself on a slow detox program where you slowly reduce the amount you’re drinking every day. You don’t have to do it all at once and I actually do not recommend it. If you want to avoid the headaches, do yourself a favor and reduce the amount of coffee you’re having slowly throughout the course of 1-2 weeks. The following recipes are my favorite way to drink coffee. Isabel’s morning “writing” coffee 1 tbsp raw cacao powder ¼ cup homemade coconut milk (or you can use canned) 8 ounces of brewed, organic, dark roast coffee Small pinch of stevia I put all ingredients in my favorite mug and enjoy at 4am while I do my morning writing (like right now). Mid-morning coffee breakfast special ¼ cup homemade almond milk 1 tsp cinnamon 8 ounces of brewed, organic, medium or dark roast coffee Pinch of stevia This is the way my mom likes her coffee, so when she is staying at my house I make two of these around 8am. After that second cup, my coffee drinking is officially OVER for the day. If I am craving something warm throughout the day I have some peppermint tea or make my Afternoon Mocha Special. Afternoon Mocha Special 1 heaping tablespoon raw cacao powder 2 tbsp coconut or almond milk Pinch of stevia 8-16 ounces boiling water I just mix up all the ingredients in my favorite mug (how much water you use is dependent on how strong you want it to be). Remember, you can keep coffee as part of your health plan by following the healthy guidelines listed above. How do you like to enjoy your coffee the Beyond Diet way? Share your favorite coffee recipes here. *Isabels Core Takeaway: If you like coffee, you should know that it IS possible to get the benefits of drinking coffee without the downsides. To make sure your enjoyment of coffee doesnt hurt your healthy and weight loss, just remember to ALWAYS drink organic, to skip harmful additives like sugar or creamer, and to keep it to two 8-ounce cups per day. To find some other tasty beverage recipes, check out the Beyond Diet recipes section. In health and happiness, Beyond Diet is a trademark of Live Smart Solutions Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved Live Smart Solutions | 3452 Richville Road #1447 | Manchester Center, VT 05255 | United States This email was sent to psychfit@gmail because you subscribed to a BeyondDiet newsletter or product. 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Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 09:16:51 +0000

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