Im excited to meet other et contactees and UFO experiencers! We - TopicsExpress


Im excited to meet other et contactees and UFO experiencers! We each have unique important information to share with awakening humanity of our connection to them and our experiences! There is a reason why the ets are here amongst us, in ufos, and in the other higher dimensional realms! There is much more to unveil about humanities true origins, where we truly come from and how we each carry some hybrid DNA of various star systems and et genetics from these other planetary systems. Hang on to your seats people cause the awakening is occurring globally and more truths will be revealed, unveiled and many will be in shock, disbelief and even chaos, but most importantly aware and conscious co creators here. There is a massive global suppression of free energy technologies that are now being uncovered, supported and in place to take action to help free humanity from the criminals and extortionists that have been enslaving humanity for decades! Many of us are connected to these inventors, scientists, groups and organizations that are being implemented with others help in funding and through other countries supporting the QEG and Tesla technologies. I have a lot of connections and these free energy technology inventors will change humanity and bring a new way of living for us all and not be controlled by the electric companies or corporations through Free Energy Technologies and sustainable living methods being brought out to educate humanity! This is all part of contact experience and discovering our free energy technologies that have been left here by our ancient ancestors from sacred sites and the pyramids all over the world and under the sea discoveries of these artifacts and technologies. There are discoveries underneath the pyramids that are being uncovered and more will be discovered of free energy technologies and or advanced laser technologies and materials. Yes we need this breakthrough and we are getting there! Please read more on just one of my contacts and their work they are doing to assist humanity but ( First I want to say to some of you debunkers and attackers that the old structures and criminal extortionists will be dealt with behind the scenes!) The fossil fuel industries will be brought down by bringing in this QEG and so will the governmental criminals and rulers in this earth and the new earth changes are coming in and the cabal and dark psychopaths are going to face the light, truths being revealed and get placed in jail for their crimes on humanity! Look at the pope and all the pedophile satanic crimes on the murders of innocent children and the queen and all others involved! If you dont know about any of this then its time to wake up to the truth and the real characters of evil here! The truth cannot be hidden for much longer and eventually those dirty deeds and suppressed-top secrets will be uncovered. You wont here it through mass media mind control because the greedy corrupt cabal run that manipulation mind control box if illusions you are all believing broadcasting lies and disinformation keeping you from discovering whats truly going on behind the scenes! This is about secret societies, crimes on humanity and the suppressed truths of our ancient ancestors, artifacts, and advanced technologies, free energy technologies, ufos, et DNA and genetics, planetary systems, suppressed periodic table of elements and technologies, forensic alien top secret files... I can go on and on... Many of us are seeing the breakthroughs in history right now in the making with the inventors, scientists, researchers,and supporters bringing this information out! Thank you to all my light workers and awakened healers here to help humanity and our planet! Let the light shine bright for humanity and see the future that will be bright for a new way of living in sustainability, freedoms, peace, love, unity, and co creativity!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 17:02:53 +0000

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