Im extremely pissed. People just think that getting help is easy. - TopicsExpress


Im extremely pissed. People just think that getting help is easy. Well, not really. Do you know how mothers react to that sort of things? Some dont even believe it so the kid is stuck without help. Some break down. They cry. Or they get pissed off. Its not just that easy either. Anxiety can make you worry about everything. And I do mean everything. Many people are too scared to get help. Most people dont even know what a psychiatric hospital is anyway. Media makes it look psycho, but in reality its an amazing place with supportive peers and staff. No one there is there for killing someone. There is a difference between a psych and an institution. Most people there are struggling from suicidal thoughts, intentions, attempts, drug problems, etc. Also. I do get that people overglamorize self harm, but please dont attack the people to. Theres a very small amount of people who cut just for attention. Some people post pictures to see if someone will reach out for them. Self harm is not something that everyone understands, but that doesnt mean that you have to call it stupid. You might think that it is, but for some people it is their only release. Just because you tell people to be happy doesnt mean that they can. Its not easy. And not everyone can cope healthily. So pull your head out of your ass and stop assuming. Depression & anxiety are serious things. If you dont understand it, leave it alone. Dont add your irrelevant comments. Not everyone can be happy. And some people are past the point of being too far down to ever get to that. Not everyone is an accepted straight male who has rich and nice parents. This world is a wasteland, and we need to learn to help each other. Because there is a time in everyones life where they will feel an overwhelming amount of pain. Some people drink, some people smoke, some people do different things. Most of us self mutilate. Tattoos, piercings, smoking, anorexia, bulimia, burning, drinking, and things related to that are all self harm. And its ridiculous that its always pinpointing to cuts. Also,maybe music cant save lives. BUT , Music can motivate and give people strength. Music can be very relatible and give the listener a feeling that they arent alone. Some people dont have friends or family who look out for them and seeing that at least one other person knows what youve been through can change a life. Just because you dont get it something doesnt mean that you should go posting about it without any real knowledge on the topic. Stop being a hypocritical asshole. Even with help some things just dont go away.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 10:12:35 +0000

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