Im extremely pissed off at the fact that not a single big - TopicsExpress


Im extremely pissed off at the fact that not a single big Newspaper wrote anything about the National Day of Catalunya, so I decided to write a post about it myself; The sun struggles as it rises up into the clear sky this Thursday morning, a solitary and bright struggle in the midst of the crystal blue sky. However today is not a solitary day in Barcelona, as all the Catalans gather from every corner of the Region to manifest their rights, to show their pride. This manifestation is to be heard; like thunder whos rumble has been rapidly crescendo since the 1st of April 1939, when Francisco Franco destroyed the unity and autonomy of the Second Spanish Republic, and along with it he brought poverty, oppression and exploitation, that even up to this day in age are still visible scars. Just 40 years ago - a year before not a bullet nor a dagger would catch Franco, but instead old age - mine and my sisters names where prohibited, along with anything cultural from the Autonomous regions of Spain. Catalan Women did not have the right to vote, nor did they have any financial support, hell, they couldnt even leave the country or open a bank account without their husbands consent. All this just 40 years ago. This manifestation is to be heard; not just by the ignorant Rajoy Administration, not just by the manipulating West, but by all soldiers and civilians, all employers and employees. Noone could place the number of people attending the event today; 500,000, maybe up to a million. A million voices, the thunder resounding from Placa de les Glories Catalanas all the way along Via Diagonal. When you think of unity, of team work and desire this is the perfect response. Everyone is adorned with the patriotic national colours, yellow and red flood the main road, a thousand flags flying high in the sky. The sun is beating down on the masses, but they are un-moved, holding ground until time comes and the helicopter flies by, capturing a perfect unification of men, women and children alike, creating a Catalan flag running miles long. They create the shape of a V, to reinforce the fact that they want to VOTE for their right to be independent. In the centre of the manifestation, Catalans express their culture; building Castellers; playing Rumbas Catalanas and rapid percussion; sporting the gegants de Catalaunya and dancing to the beat. This is more than just about Independence; its about recognition and respect. Who wants to know - no matter if youre Catalan, Scottish or Puerto Rican - that your own State is robbing you of euros (11% of the PIB), being the one region in the world that suffers the most deficit from its own state. Who wouldnt want to see this great Region 7 times richer, as said by the winner of the Applied Economics Nobel Prize this past May. Why do students in Catalunya receive only 5% of the National Bursaries, while students in Madrid alone receive 58% of them? The ministry of Culture invests €47 annually into every Spaniard, but only €5 into every Catalan. Why? Only 12% of the Spanish PIB is invested into Catalunya, while the region itself bring in 22% of that very same PIB. Can all of this, and everything else that exploits and oppresses Catalans, be accepted and not manifested about? Can it be tolerated that AVE, on behalf of the Spanish Government, only invests 316€ into every Catalan, while they invest €1.198 into every Andalusian, €894 into every Madrileño, €574 into every Aragonés and €407 into every Castellanomanchego? A storm is brewing in Catalunya, and should it erupt in November the whole world will surely hear it. The people present today also attended the Catalan Way, on this very day last year, standing side by side in unity to create a 300 mile long human chain along all the border, dividing Them from Spain. The people stood then, and they stand now.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 18:08:03 +0000

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