Im feeling discouraged and let down by the affordable care act… - TopicsExpress


Im feeling discouraged and let down by the affordable care act… I went to sign up for my wife and me yesterday and found we will be paying around $300 per month to have insurance with a $1750 deductible Per person. Which simply means anything $1750 and under is covered by the individual before the insurance kicks in… This is the time where people need to convince me why its a good idea to sign up for this bullshit… If anything minor happens to my wife or me, we basically go out-of-pocket to take care of it, the only thing this insurance seems good for is if something catastrophic happens or a bigger illness. If there is no pre-existing condition exclusion now, then why not wait until one of us is sick to get insurance?… why not just take the penalty, which is far less expensive than this ridiculous insurance plan, and just continue to address illness as it comes up?… The affordable care act is not healthcare, its insurance care!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 16:25:59 +0000

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