Im frequently asked, Why dont you protest with us? A lot of us get - TopicsExpress


Im frequently asked, Why dont you protest with us? A lot of us get together to march the streets, why do you refuse to come? I work at restaurant, my mother owns it, but we are surrounded by businesses owned by Chinese people, and Ive realized that on inspection day, it is Chinese inspectors who arrive, and Ive noticed that inspectors arrive to Chinese owned restaurants, and cut the owners slack, basically giving them a free pass, meanwhile they come to our restaurant putting pressure on us, almost as if desperately trying to find a reason to shut us down, so that our business is replaced with a Chinese business. We run a healthy restaurant, follow every rule in the book, so were always good, but I mention this because I really admire how the Chinese take care of each other. I also notice how majority of the employees they hire are Chinese, and they treat them real good, like family, meanwhile the very few employees that are not Chinese, they dont get slack, they get tons of pressure applied on them by the Chinese employers. I wrote & published a book, and the company is owned by Caucasian people, but its practically run by Asians, the book doctors are Asians, the advisors, the promoters, etc. are Asians, and I can bet my left testicle that sooner or later, it will either be owned by Asians, or the Asian employees will unite, and establish their own publishing company. Ive never in my life seen Asians, Indians & Jews in America get together to protest against systemic inequalities, and now I know why! Theyre too busy getting together to work hard, establish themselves, gain economic power, acquire positions that will enable them to help each other grow and then remain successful, because the truth is, the only thing thats going to help you in this country (or in this world) is political & economical power. I always see my people get together, but only to form groups that will go out to complain/protest against systemic inequalities/injustices, but after the mob of loud screamers is dispersed, its back to our reality of self destruction & economic poverty. We have no economic, political, or scholastic power, which means that we remain working for people who have no interest in our well being, paying us minimum wage or less, so that we dont have the chance to gain power, but only to survive making ends meet. And worse than this, is the fact that once one of our people gains some sort of status/position of power, he/she doesnt use it to aid and/or share it with his/her people, but rather to use it against us, due to the passionate internalized racism that we are so deeply infected with, since slavery-days. All we truly know how to do, is hate ourselves/each other, and its proven by the fact that we dont support our own people, but on the contrary, whenever we see one rising, we pull him/her down, like the Crabs in a Barrel story, and whenever one already made it out the bucket, we refuse to encourage and/or support him/her, and instead call him/her a sellout for being able to climb out the barrel. The other day a Mexican guy came to our restaurant, and wanted to buy 2 tamales, so I charged him a total of $4.75, which is actually very little money for such awesome food, yet he threw a fit, claiming hes paying too much for it, so instead he walked out, and headed to the Taco Bell down the street. An African American client was left in awe, saying, $4 is a lot for 2 tamales? Wow, they couldnt be cheaper otherwise theyd be free! I turned to face him, and said, So because $4 is too much, instead hes going to pay approximately $10 for an order of 2 generic tacos, and a soda. See, the problem wasnt the price we charged, but rather the fact that he was contributing to the growth of a business owned by pinxes Mexicans. Our people are not used to strengthening and/or seeing our people own anything, so when one does, it makes the rest uncomfortable, and even envious, which makes them react with the refusal to support, and instead go to what he/she knows best: which is to support/strengthen businesses and monopolies owned by wealthy Caucasian, Jewish, Punjabi, and Chinese people, because it is normal for these other people to own everything, and for us to only support, work for, and receive orders from them, meanwhile when/if we walk into a building, and we see a damned Mexican- specially if he/shes dark skinned- being the owner, most of us react, like, Wtf are you doing owning something? Shouldnt you be over here with the rest of us? Pffft, forget this, Im not buying from you. You think youre all that now, you think youre better than the rest of us, well, f*ck you and your business, I hope it falls on you, so that you could get back in line, and remember your place! And thats OUR problem. Its called internalized racism and its the ONLY thing preventing our people from escaping systemic inequalities/injustices, and until we learn to break this chain that holds us down, then well continue to only know how to get together to protest/complain about our condition, while at the same time we will refuse to support the few of our people who are trying to gain economic power, the power we need to help us out of the condition we love to complain/protest about. And meanwhile this happens, the Jews, Indians, Caucasians, and Chinese, they dont have time to protest against systemic inequalities/injustices, because theyre too busy getting together to help each other gain the power required in order to cover all the positions that are needed to be able to keep themselves in power, because they know that getting together to scream & hold signs doesnt help them escape poverty, but gaining economic, scholastic, and political power/control is whats needed in order to never become a victim of it. These other people, they dont need to scream & chant UNITY, because they already have it, theyre living it! So why dont I protest? I just dont believe in it. But dont get mad, get glad that were on the same team. We all have our way, and we all play a part. Just make sure that Love for our people is not only a chant, a phrase on a piece of cardboard, or a post you write on Facebook, but then you log out, and you only strengthen/support all businesses, except the ones owned by your people. Take notes: when new Jews arrive to the U.S., Jewish-Americans run to their aid, offering them shelter, a job, college grants, and thats why they, along with Chinese, Arabs, and Indians are rising, meanwhile we sink. We dont need to convince a system to stop treating us like crap, all that we need is to convince ourselves to love each other enough to help each other rise!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 18:00:58 +0000

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