Im going thru so many things right now, physically and - TopicsExpress


Im going thru so many things right now, physically and emotionally. Im feeling the weight of the world on me and despite the many acquaintances, when the end of the day comes around, I cant deny that I that the truth of the matter is that I am indeed alone in this whole thing of a life. If I didnt have my kids that I love and adore with my every being, I dont think Id bother to keep on living. Its been a year that Lupus reared its ugly face and claimed my body as its battle field. Im living at ground zero and I honestly am having a hard time dealing with it. I have my moments where I have a good day but those are far and few in between.. I hurt and it makes for a very solitary life. So before you judge me and cast me off as a miserable person cuz my statuses are less than positive or Im not as social like I used to be....Truth is Im SAD and Im just trying to figure out how to live the best way I can given the shitty hand Ive been dealt. I forever will wish everyone a Blessed matter what kind if day Im having. My day isnt starting great but Im hoping to make it thru and asking to be blessed...the same way I wish everyone the brightest of blessings today. I still have love in my heart for my brothers and sisters in the world ♥
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 13:59:37 +0000

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