Im going to attempt to use Facebook for the greater good here, - TopicsExpress


Im going to attempt to use Facebook for the greater good here, instead of me telling you about how well the Crusaders are doing (home semi-final) or how cute Ben is (although he is a champion). Since Friday we have been in isolation at the CHOC ward of Christchurch Hospital. Ben was presenting very low platelets and white blood cells too. Apparently these are one of the many signs and symptoms of Childhood Leukemia. Needless to say this weekend was a stressful one as Ben went through 2 platelet transfusions, 1 massive and spontaneous nose bleed and it was a very LONG wait for Monday in order to a have a bone marrow sample taken from Ben. THANKFULLY we are one of the lucky families as Ben DOESNT have leukemia. He does have I.T.P. (look it up) which maybe Acute or could end up Chronic....but thats another story. There are some facts that I would like to convey: 1) The staff and volunteers in wards such as this one are AMAZING! 2) The donations you give to the various child cancer organizations go A LONG way to helping the amazing children and their families that need the support and research. So please do give generously.......YOU NEVER KNOW IF THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR LITTLE ONE AND IF IT DOES YOU WILL WANT THE BEST! 3) Trust your instincts - since March I have been saying something isnt right with Ben having bleeding noses and bruising easily....AND IT WASNT! If this helps one person or changes the way that one person feels about giving donations to causes such as child cancer - then my job is done. A little DOES go a long way. The Cross family here in Christchurch have been very fortunate indeed.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 01:49:37 +0000

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