Im going to be long winded today, but I pray and speak blessings - TopicsExpress


Im going to be long winded today, but I pray and speak blessings upon you. For those who know me and for those who dont, Im a believer in Jesus Christ. Im not here to force God down your throat, but I pray that youll hear me out. Im here to let you know that this world is living in the last days. Destruction is coming and Jesus is coming back to gather all of His children so that we can be taken up to heaven and reign with Him. No more pain, no more sickness, no more evil, no more struggling, no more suffering ever again. This message is not meant to be disrespectful in any way. I dont fear the end of times. God has been so gracious, loving and kind and He has given me peace. Forgive me for coming on too strong, but I love you all and I want so bad for you to meditate on what Im going to say. I just want to share what I know. I pray that the following will lift you up and encourage you to know that Jesus loves you! Thats right! So many people think that they are not worthy of Gods love because of their lifestyle or because of their present or past circumstances, but Im here to tell you that Jesus loves you no matter what. Our past and present dont define who we are. God says that we are all wonderfully and beautifully made in His image. He says that He stands at the door waiting for you to open it and welcome Him into your life. People usually want to wait to get their lives right before they come to know Him. He doesnt care about that He just wants you to come as you are. This is not about some religion its about having a relationship with Him. Today, with Gods love and strength I want to help you Fight the Good Fight of Faith. Everyone in this world is experiencing Spiritual warfare. ALL HELL HAS BROKEN LOOSE! Satan, the adversary has unleashed all his demons and his mission is to deceive everyone. Hes been here on earth and his plan has always been to steal, to kill and to destroy everything that God created, yes that is you and me. Gods Word says Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the Whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood (people), but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore God tells us to put on the whole armor of God so that we may be able to withstand in the evil day. So that we may be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one that comes against us. One of the many reasons why we all go thru hell is because of the evil one and yes because of the sin of man and what we allow into our lives. Did you ever wonder why you have a bulls eye on the back of your back? Why you struggle so much in life even though you try to be a good person and do the right thing? Its because Satan wants to drag you into the pits of hell where hes destined to go and very soon I might add. Believe me theres more, it sucks the life out of you doesnt it? Well, again Satan the deceiver will make your life so miserable everyday until he has completed his mission in this life thats if WE allow him. God on the other hand gave us power and dominion over Satan. Believers in Jesus Christ have the victory when God will pour out His wrath on the world. Believe me its not going to be pretty, but each and everyone of us has a choice. You see God is perfect and Hes been tolerating an imperfect world, but not for long. God hates the injustices and He actually hates a lot of things that you and I probably hate and wish that we could change. Satan on the other hand knows your MO and hell use every trick he has up his sleeve to deceive you. Hell make some things look so good and enticing and then Kabam! hes got you where he wants you only to destroy you. Wow! Doesnt that suck??? Its not worth it people. We live in a fallen, broken world because of sin and all types of evil. This world doesnt have anything good to offer not when we can have eternal life with our creator in heaven in paradise. God on the other hand gave His only son so that He (Jesus) would take all of mans sins to the cross when He was crucified. Get this Jesus lived on earth as a man (flesh and blood like you and I). And Jesus was subjected to every known sin in the book, but He never sinned. His time on earth was meant to preach the gospel, to love and help humanity so that we might have a good, prosperous life. Thats why God says that He came to save the world. Yet...Jesus took all our sins to the cross when He was nailed to it for doing nothing! He was sinless, spotless and what He came to do was to save man by dying on the cross for us. Im talking about forever sins and transgressions, billions and billions of them from each and every person in this world for thousands of years. Jesus was beaten to pulp and every slashing of crushed glass that He took on His back is symbolic of Every sickness and disease. Can you imagine that? Billions of peoples eternal sins all of the worlds crap placed on ONE persons back!! Thats a lot and it makes me want to cry knowing that God so loved the world that He gave His only son so that WE might choose to have eternal life with Him in Heaven. Amazing!!! I dont know what I would do if I gave up one of my beautiful sons. Today, the world hates Jesus. Everything that has been going on in this world is all biblical prophecy. What a huge price to pay but Jesus already paid the price. Can you imagine owing a HUGE Debt and because of Jesus its wiped clean. Dont get me wrong this isnt a ticket or a pass to sin. The blood Jesus shed was for YOU AND ME. If that isnt a huge demonstration of LOVE I dont know what can top that. Time is running out. In closing this is a prayer I have for everyone. A prayer for strength and encouragement. God, Thank you that I am unique in your kingdom. Thank you that you made me special. There is no one like me. Thank you for the talents, skills and abilities that you have given me. God, it makes me feel so good to know that no one can replace me in your heart. No one could ever be so special to you or important to you that you wouldnt still yearn for my company. The truth is that I am incredibly important to you. You love me just the way I am. You are eager to help me every day. You proclaim in your Word that you do miracles. You love to bless your children. Today I come to you with my problems. They are large, but they are no larger than ones you have already performed. You tell us to ask you for what we want. In the book of James you tell us that sometimes we dont get because we dont ask. Lord, I am asking that you would intervene in my problems and bring your supernatural power to help me. I pray that you will bring resolution, restoration and redemption in every situation in my life. Im going to boldly reach out to others who love you and ask them to pray with me for my situation as I pray for theirs. Father, I declare that I will not just seek your power, but I will continually seek an ever deepening relationship with you. You are my hope, and you are my strength. You are guiding me toward your will, and I will follow you. I will declare that my enemies will not triumph over me. Sickness will not triumph over me. Financial lack will not triumph over me. And ____________ will not triumph over me. I was created to be powerful thru you and I was created to be victorious. Today, I will walk in the power, purpose, and peace of Jesus Christ. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen! God Bless you all! love me
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 03:03:26 +0000

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