Im going to go on a (respectful) religious rant for a minute. - TopicsExpress


Im going to go on a (respectful) religious rant for a minute. Anyone who knows me at all knows that I am Wiccan, and have been for years. Wicca is a religion recognized by the government (for whatever thats worth). Its not just something I made up. Contrary to what most people believe, Wiccans are not Satan worshipers. In fact, its just the opposite. I dont believe in God, which means I dont believe in Satan, heaven or hell. Wicca is a nature based religion, in which we believe that you can use your own energies to bring about positive changes in your life. It involves natural healing, through the use of such things as herbs and crystals. My personal thing is crystal healing. If you think its all a load of crap, tell that to the many people who I have helped with insomnia, headaches, infertility, etc. Anyways, my point is, I dont believe in the Christian God. So please dont send me messages about how God is watching out for me, God is there for me, etc. In return I wont send you messages about how I cast a spell on your behalf (which is against Wiccan beliefs). When someone tells me God bless you or something similar, I just say thank you, because its not worth getting pissy about. And just FYI, I used to be Christian. I was saved as a teenager, used to attend church regularly. If you want to know what made me stop believing, send me a message and Ill explain, but its not a heartwarming story. And in case you were wondering, I have a King James bible, a New World Translation (two of those), a Quran, a Book of Mormon. And Ive read them all. Ok, rant over.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 00:55:44 +0000

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