Im going to have a minor rant here. And I guess frankly I dont - TopicsExpress


Im going to have a minor rant here. And I guess frankly I dont care if you agree with me or not. But maybe someone riding on the fence will be influenced. First-no, I am not related to, married to, work for, income dependent in any way on veterinarians or licensed vet techs. I am just super, over the top, sick of all the criticisms of vets. Totally! Yes, they are in the profession to mske a living - you know, pay off student loans for at least 8 yrs of college, training, feeding, clothing and housing themselves and their families, paying for equipment -priced xray, lab equipment, ultrasound equipment lately? Surgical equipment, specially constructed rooms for xrays and surgical suites? How about paying for the practice and the physical building? How about paying the people working for them, you know, the people who answer your calls, meet you at the door, hold your critter while they are fighting the procedure tooth and nail? Or the insurance they must carry? So why do you EXPECT free treatment? The vets, techs and other emloyees I deal with at various vet facilities in our area are caring, professional, willing to go beyond the call of duty. The same folk that deal with clients that dont keep or make appointments for regular check ups, or only bring in their animal after it has been sick for days, NOW fix it. They listen when I respectfully ask questions or when I ask for alternatives - in treatment, meds, whatever. My personal vet Ed Blesy researches stuff for me on a regular basis, never just dismisses it out of hand. Do we agree all the time? Well, no! Good grief why would we? We talk, may just agree to disagree! So I am personally offended on their behalf when the blanket response is well theyre just money hungry, your pet comes second. What B.S. These are the same folk who stand beside you when the time comes to make the final choice out of love, the ones who do volunteer work at shelters, discounts for rescues, strays in need, the ones dealing with people who want perfectly healthy pets put down because it fits into their new lifestyle, or lack thereof. Do you think they are unaffected when we bring our guys in for that final visit, or come to your home so your best friend can leave from home? If you truly believe that or have had that experience look for a new vet. Are some like that? Sure, same as any other profession. Welcome to the real world. Do they sometimes make mistakes? Sorry Dr Ed, but yes. Ya know, theyre human. Kinda like you and I make mistakes at our jobs/lives. And all this advice on prescribing. Do you do this for your kids, yourselves? X worked for me so if I adjust dosage it will work for my kid? Your symptoms sound like mine, take this? Tests, diagnosis arent actually needed. But when all that doesnt work, you want their expertise then. Then you want to blame them when it doesnt end well. Sorry, folks, the vets and their staff work too hard to take the time to present PART of their reality, but it needs to be presented. And admittedly I am only presenting part of their daily, normal lives. Rant over. That is all. Not being rude, but Im not debating whether you have had a rotten experience. It happens. Change vets!!!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 18:04:25 +0000

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