Im going to say this and let you think what you want to think, - TopicsExpress


Im going to say this and let you think what you want to think, lets agree on that first? Good! Many years ago there was a man George Lucas who made a movie on a shoe string budget which was thought at best to be a flop in the box office. Well as we now know the filming genius of Master Jedi George Lucas. 1977: Episode IV: A New Hope 1980: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back 1983: Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi This is called the OT or Original Trilogy. 1999: Episode I: The Phantom Menace 2002: Episode II: Attack Of The Clones 2005: Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith This man single handedly exposed and showed to the entire world in fiction form good and evil! He showed us the Jedi, the light saber (The Word of God is a sword), the using of the our God given gift and operation of it (The Force), He showed us the dark side, Darth Vader, evil, wicked and powerful! Half man, Half machine and all demonically influenced. He showed us how the emperor, who also was in our view would have been considered an extremely powerful warlock (Sen. Palpatine), who saw the greatness in Aniken Skywalker later Darth Vader who wanted and craved power, highly gifted, strong in the force...LOL! This all has been placed right in our faces for years and we viewed it as only FICTION! The literary genius of George Lucas was that he found a way to warn the masses of a coming of age but only a bunch of nerds, misfits and geeks caught on, I being one and the spirit woke me up this morning to show me! Like I said before I begin to explain, you can think what you want, but St. Louis isnt by accident, LA isnt by accident, Iraq, Afghanistan, 911, NONE OF THIS IS BY ACCIDENT! All of this has been drawn up, planned, had backdoor meetings on for decades! Just as in the Star Wars there is a Great Disturbance, there is a shifting in the atmosphere taking place. Satan is the prince of the power of the air and he is making his move right now to usher in his kingdom, the man of perdition is here, a piece treaty will be brokered soon between Israel and Palestine, a 7 yr piece treaty, but this man will break it in 31/2 years, Hes going to call himself God, So all that we are going through here in America, all of the violence, all of the senseless killings, all of the totally and absolute injustice and lawlessness of the law enforcers, ALL OF THIS is part of the plan. Destabilize the country, lawlessness, violence, MARTIAL LAW! Once there is Martial law, no where does it says in the constitution how we stabilize the country and once stabilized remove martial law and return back to America as being a REPUBLIC of the people and for the people! Call me crazy if you want, but you can not deny the almost spooky similarities! #GodStrong #RealTalk
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 10:02:08 +0000

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