Im going to share 2 stories one as a player and a coach there are - TopicsExpress


Im going to share 2 stories one as a player and a coach there are so many to choose from its hard! I remember my first day in pads as a sophomore and on varsity team. I was scared to death of all the monsters we had on the team. He called me everything from a sissy, pansy, put a skirt on, call your mom, even imitated a crying baby to me! He had me so pissed off I really almost hit him after practice, instead I yelled at him after practice that I want you to give me whitworth, soigner, hank, and anyone on the starting online and Ill show you sissy. The next day we were doing 1on1 s and he said welch, you want it, you got it and put me in front of all the above mentioned names. I went at them with everything I had, and got destroyed.. Lol. But I wasnt afraid to go that hard ever again, and played with that mentality from that point on. I hated him that day, but he knew what he was doing all along. He was best at getting your best out of you. As a coach, I feel I got I best compliment ever out of him. Anytime I had a chance to get away from Farmerville and catch a WM practice or just stop by and pick any coachs brain I did, and I would always thank coach shows for allowing me to do so then one day he told me welch, I dont care where you coach you will always be a rebel and your welcome here anytime you want, but I dont know why you always come by. You know everything we do and if you dont then your a dumb ass. I grinned and said best compliment youve ever given me coach!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 00:25:16 +0000

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