Im going to share a story about a man who recently passed away, I - TopicsExpress


Im going to share a story about a man who recently passed away, I only met him twice but I would think of him and his family often. Almost 2 years ago I was asked if I would do a wolf encounter for a family who had arrived late and missed the wolf show, I said I would and brought Montana out to see a man in a wheelchair, his wife and daughter...the man was nearly blind and very ill, his wife told me the doctors had given him 2 months and he just wanted to touch a wolf...he kept asking me why I would do this for him, let him be with Montana after he had already been put now his wife and I were in tears watching him love on the wolf...I told him I was a firm believer in the power of touch and if he felt better in that small amount of time then job well done. A year passed and a few months ago I hear them in the Giftshop picking up a picture of them with the wolf, and he was walking!! And standing in the photo, when I said Hi, they said how grateful they were for that encounter and how it changed his life, he wanted to go and do things and live life to the fullest!! I had to walk away again crying. Our photographer knew how I felt about this family and printed a copy of their photo for me...its in my room. Thank you Karen Alan Larkin your family and spirit touched me more than you will ever know...peace
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 01:54:43 +0000

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