Im going to tell you people something you all probably dont care - TopicsExpress


Im going to tell you people something you all probably dont care about and will probably never care about, but Im going to tell you anyway, because I am just so excited! SO EXCITED. Earlier today, my son and I went for a nice shopping spree at Nakumatt (hey, dont be silly. WHO ELSE apart from the president can AFFORD a shopping spree at THIS VERY BROKE, HOT, HUMID, DRY AND QUAILLY time of the month and year? No ones even gotten their first paycheck of the year (yet). So we didnt really go for a shopping spree, we actually went for window shopping. No, not literally). You all know that Nakumatt has a real life logo, that life-size carving (statue?) of an elephant that stands at a very strategic position (to scare away REAL elephants incase they escape from their nice, warm, grassy grassland savannah). So, when my son and I were walking past it (he was walking a few inches ahead of me), he stopped, pointed at the giant carving (statue?) and shouted, Mma! Dinosaur! (he calls me Mma. Awh, how sweet! Right?). I looked at him and he pointed at the giant carving (statue?) again and with his lovely baby voice and look-what-I-discovered facial expression exclaimed, Dinosaur!. Yes, he said DINOSAUR. My nineteen month old boy said DINOSAUR. Correctly. When he has barely learnt how to speak (and Im not joking! Why would I be joking when I dislike jokes? I dislike jokes because they may be too hilarious and may therefore make me laugh-snort. I sometimes snort when I laugh too hard. I hate it. I frightens me). I was too pleased to even care that the giant carving (statue?) was an elephant and not an extinct dinosaur. So HOW did Max know about the existence of such a noun, you ask (you SHOULD ask! You MUST be inquisitive, ALWAYS!). Well, theres this book in my house; Walking with Dinosaurs: A Natural History by Tim Haines. Having a book of this nature in MY house is very suspect and worrying, because I have never cared about dinosaurs and or their natural history (and WHY would I walk with them? Hey, Tim Haines, whoever you are, why would ANYONE (want to) risk their life by walking with dinosaurs? Arent they murderously dangerous or something?). I have no idea when, how and why this book sneaked its way into my house, but its one of Maxs favorite reads. He brings it to me (when Im in the middle of doing the dishes or cleaning the house or doing laundry. He ALWAYS INTERRUPTS ME!) and make me read it out to and for him. He LOVES it when you read a book out loud to and for him. He listens. He pays attention. He intently looks at your moving lips, and he interestingly studies the pictures in the book. I know he has heard me say dinosaur a kajillion times when reading this dinosaury Tim Haines book, so that is how he MUST have known about the existence of such a noun. Kids are brilliant (in their own right). Teach them (constantly) and let them learn (constantly). They will surprise you, because they are AWESOME little people!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 15:59:16 +0000

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