Im going to touch briefly on something I was shown about a month - TopicsExpress


Im going to touch briefly on something I was shown about a month and a half ago. It pertains to a relative I have, that passed many years ago. She had a very hard life, and experienced many moments of emotional, and mental instability during her life. There were speculations about her state of mind for many years, because of her tendency to display resentment, and hate... as much of what would spew from her lips, would be considered vile and toxic to most of us. She had spent almost her entire life in an abusive marriage. She was always kind to me as a child. I spent a lot of time with her. She never displayed this sort of behavior towards me, but I did witness it firsthand towards my mother. My mother would be brought to tears after many conversations with this relative. Im not sure why my mother still allowed the relationship between us to sustain...but she did. Maybe, it was just the simple fact that she picked up on the unconditional love this person showed towards me. Either way, she was someone I cared about a great deal, and I eventually spent my early twenties caring for her as she battled Alzheimers. Some very traumatic things occurred during that period while she was in my care. Her moments of delusion became very dangerous for me while I was carrying my first child. The times of her being in touch with the present, were few and far between, and the toxicity of her words, and actions towards me during this time, had left its mark on me. It came to the point where my well being was greatly compromised, when she attempted to stab me with a steak knife while I was eight months pregnant. This happened in a moment of fear and rage. After that incident, she went into a professional care facility. I would visit her as often as I could, but she never recognized me after a certain point. It was during those visits, being unable to connect with her, that I made a point to get to know several of the other residents that lived at the facility. I felt a deep need to connect with someone... to attempt to brighten someone elses day if I could. Many of the elderly there were very lonely and despondent, and it pained me to see them alone, week after week. This being said, she eventually passed while I was in my mid twenties. I always have maintained good and loving memories of her. I felt she had psychic gifts. She was an extremely intelligent human being. Light years ahead of most. A career woman, before it was accepted or respected in society. Her understanding of the most complex math problem was astonishing to me. She was the one that finally made me have a better understanding of it all, when I had difficulty in school. Others, tried, but failed miserably. She made it as simple as possible for me. I had never come across anyone else who took the time to help me grasp what I believed to be incomprehensible. I did know one thing for certain. She often spoke of seeing, dark forces, ghosts, and entities for many years. Sadly, no one believed her. I listened, without judgement...but was still not sure what to think. I did realize that after these engagements her mood would totally shift in the most negative manner. After I learned to tap and connect with ease last year, her energy came through. The first thing she did was apologize for any harm or pain she may have caused me while earthbound. I informed her none were needed. I understood her inner conflict now. She became my biggest supporter in the Afterlife, but also very possessive in nature. She wanted to dominant communications. She interfered with my connection to my guides, and broke several codes of conduct that are enforced in the spiritual realm. I had to let her go. I had to block her, and distance myself from any influence. I was informed she was a damaged soul. They put her in containment for reconstruction, and energy renewal. I had hopes for her souls recovery, but was told that she was very susceptible to negative, and dark forces. She allowed them to dictate her, over the light. I know this had been happening to her, while she was still in this realm. I didnt know how long she would undergo this procedure. It takes years in our terms. I would ask my guides about her progress many times, but received no answers that were satisfactory to me. The answers were vague. Finally I dropped it. I knew something wasnt going well. About a month ago, while connecting one night, I felt compelled to ask about her progress again. This time I was taken to a place of isolation. I was shown her image, and what looked to be a procedure of energy infusion from the healers that handle this sort of work. I thought, oh good, she is still in reconstruction. When I had that thought enter my mind, my escort shook its head in a negative motion, and looked very saddened. I knew the news wasnt pretty. I was then shown her image once more. As I focused intently, on what I was being shown, her image started to break apart. Best described...when you see an image on your computer, cell, or television, and then it starts to freeze, and then shift. It moves erratically until you see the pixels. Well, this happened, and her pixels separated from one another, further and further apart until I couldnt even discern what the image was in the first place. I then saw each separate block of pixels, explode and disintegrate into a million little particles. It was in that moment, I realized her soul had been so severely damaged, they had been left with no other choice. I was deeply saddened by this. I had read a brief chapter about this process quite some time back. I knew it was something that is a last resort, and very rarely used. This is only done if the soul is unsalvageable, and considered to have become an atrocity. There are a few factors that can cause this end. One is never being able to overcome heinous deeds the soul has done or been exposed to while being earthbound. Considering, she was exposed to these acts, and participated in hurting others herself, while here, I possess a better understanding of why this possibly was her eventual outcome. I mourned for her soul. I also have not been privy to where the energy is sent once it is disseminated. From what I have come to understand, no one is privy to that information. At least now you have an inkling, of some of the things that I see and have learned along the way. I have to take the good with the not so good. There are codes of conduct, boundaries that are not to be crossed, and there is order. All of this is maintained for the good of mankind. They never veer off course in their intent to look out for us, not matter what the cost is. This is something we all need to remember, and practice to one another on a continual basis.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 19:12:15 +0000

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