Im going to vent for a minute and I know what Im about to say is - TopicsExpress


Im going to vent for a minute and I know what Im about to say is going to strike a nerve in alot of people. All I ask is before you go all the way in, try to understand where Im coming from. In the wake of two very disappointing Grand Jury decisions. I have to ask this question. What are we going to do to better us as Black people? I know were angry. With another case of #RacialInjustice taken place yesterday, another Black on Black murder took place. What are we going to do to better us as Black people? I see alot of rage. I see alot of violence. I see alot of excuses why that is acceptable. Im not seeing strategic plans to build us and move us as a people. This isnt targeted at everyone. These assholes keep creating racial divides. Racial divides are a creation thats only believable by the ones who refuse to understand another race reality. Racism exists. Ive been taught that theres a difference between racists and prejudice people. If we want this shit to be believable, then we have to improve as a people. I mean to have powerful strategic action. Were not going to be perfect. If we take initiative and put more energy into our youth, I believe we will thrive as a people. We have to educate not just our youth but, our people on policy, so together we can create and force legislation that will protect and advance us as a people. I hear people say alot that marches are irrelevant. Marches are irrelevant if thats all you do is March. Look at the 1963 March on Washington for jobs and justice. Look at the threat of a March that wouldve put 10,000 Blacks on the White House lawn got results. Both was executed by A. Philip Randolph. Think about this and think what we could do and who we could be if we think and execute collectively as a people.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 23:42:57 +0000

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