Im going to vent out something I cant stop thinking about..... The - TopicsExpress


Im going to vent out something I cant stop thinking about..... The way people look at me when they see I have a baby.... First they give me the up down then comes the dirty looks & after that they continue to stare. Teen pregnancy is always looked down upon but not everyone knows the story behind every teen parent. Some teen parents choose to let their parents take care of their children while others bust their butt to give their babies what they need. I do exactly that. I work, Im a college student (still going for what Ive always dreamed of) & I raise my baby just like any other mother should. My while entire paycheck goes to Leigha & I always think about her before myself. The constant stares and dirty looks, or people talking down to me, yeah they make me feel insecure but then I realize that Im actually going somewhere WITH my baby girl. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I made a promise to my baby... I promised her that she will NEVER want for anything & will always have what she needed, no matter what. Mothering a baby is hard at any age, but extremely hard as a teen. Our lives as teen parents is not over, we just have a new beginning.. So why the dirty looks? Like I said before & will always say, no one knows the story behind any parent. You cant judge a book by its cover and you certainly cant judge a mommy by their age. We all go through the same obstacles, maybe a little differently but at the end of the day, we do what we want to do & thats love our children.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 01:18:19 +0000

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