Im gonna be really scarce. Thats why I kept the inserts coming Im - TopicsExpress


Im gonna be really scarce. Thats why I kept the inserts coming Im still free. This week will be hectic. But at least yall have a hint ngoku ba whats the diary about! :) ••6•• Me: Father, Father. I ran to the kids bedroom. Tayo was already out of bed. Prudence sat up sleepily. I tried to smack her. Prudence: Ouch! Me: Come on. The house is on fire. My sister jumped out of bed. Me: Just wear your shoes. I reached for Sam and wrapped him in a blanket, he was still sleeping. Me: Hurry out to my room. we got to my room. Me: Well use the window to go out. Nails had be hammered to it so getting out would be hard. I tried pulling it but it wouldnt move. Prudence began to cry and Sam was now awake coughing hard with the smoke coming on. Me: Hold Sam. I gave him to Prudence. I went to go look for something to break the window. I found it. I failed to break it. Tayo: Let me do it. He too few steps back, ran at the window and crashed the window. He broke all the glasses off. It was big enough to climb through. I could hear the fire now. It seem to be coming closer per second. Me: You first Tayo. Ill give sam to you. Prudence: Why cant I go first? Me: Prudence just stop! Stop okay? He wriggled through the window and jumped. Prudence: Me now. She was crying. Me: Pru just shut up and help me for a second. I need to give Sam to Tayo but the window is a bit far. You gonna have to hold my waist. I will bent down and give Sam to Tayo. Prudence: Im scared I want to get out. Me: well all scared and we all want to get out. Will you stop being selfish for once? My heart was thumping, my mouth dry and I was coughing hard. Me: Ready Tayo? Tayo: Yes. Me: I will drop him until I feel youve held him. Do not drop him whatever you do. Me: Hold on to my waist Prue. I took Sam out by the window. And slowly took him down, pieces of glass were pricking my belly but I ignored it. Tayo: Thats it Ive got my him, you get let go. Me: You sure? Tayo: Yes. I let go of him and close my eyes, I opened them and saw that Tayo really got him. A piece of glass hit me in the head as I was pulling myself back. Prudence was coughing. Me: You now. I lifted her up and gently pushed her out. Me: Jump its not far. She was frozen to scared to jump Me: dont be scared. I couldnt hold her any longer so she slipped out of my hands. She landed on her two feet. Me: Tayo try calling for help. I wanna make sure if mother and father are out already. Tayo: No dont! Me: I have too! I shouted. Tayo: its too late. Me: Not its not. Tayo: yes it is. The is no smoke coming out of the kitchen. The fire started in our parents room. Me: I must be certain Tayo. I ran to my door. I stood for one second,starring at the horror. The fire was like a monster. The heat was much stronger. It was burning my legs. Me: Mother, father. I yelled. Me: Get out, Get out. A blast of flame knocked me back. Me: Father you have to wake up. I was crying now. Me: Mother. I couldnt hear my own voice. I was certain they heard me and ran out. I jumped out the window. I fell on my back. As I fell back something told me I was safe. I heard Prudence crying as I lay there coughing my lungs up. It was a strange nightmare, screams, shouting male voices. A males voice told me I was safe now. When I woke up for a moment I thought I had dreamnt it all, but my dry mouth, the bandages on my legs and tummy assured me it was not a dream. A nurse came to give me a drink and sat next to my bed and told me both my parents were dead. I listened while the nurse explained how the candle fell and sat the fire in my parents room. She said long before the fire got to the rest of the house my parents were already late. I was crying so hard, they were my parents I loved them. She tried to soften me by telling me that my parents didnt even wake, that they had died peacefully before flames even reached them. Me: We have no other family member, who will take care of us? I cried out. An needle hit my neck. I drifted off to sleep. I woke up later. The nurse was still around. Me: Where are my brothers and sister? My voice was shakey. Nurse: All three of them have been taken to foster parents who live Kliptown and you will be going there too once the doctor decided you were well enough. But you not badly hurt just minor burns on your arms,hands and legs and legs. And the cut on your head. Me: I have failed my parents. I covered my face. Nurse: No you havent. You a brave young girl, none of the children were hurt. And youll soon be seeing them. A voice inside me told me. Id be rescued! Ill never again see my father, No more wondering why my mother never stood up for us and never showed us any love. It was a new beginning and a new start for all of us. But I ignored this voice. They didnt deserve to die.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 11:44:27 +0000

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