Im having a social media issue that maybe someone on here can help - TopicsExpress


Im having a social media issue that maybe someone on here can help me with. Someone added me as a friend on FB a year back claiming to be a realtor who is moving into the area. They were wanting to network with other realtors so I accepted their request. Throughout the past year something has been off. A few weeks ago, she claimed to have started a brokerage in the area. She posted logos and office pictures. I had seen the office before so I googled the business name. Turns out the brokerage is in Chicago(shes claiming to be a Realtor in Texas). I looked through the agents in the actual brokerage and this person was not one of them. I emailed the office in Chicago just asking if they has an office in Dallas and they said no and asked why. I sent them screen shots of everything this person posted. They asked her to remove all pictures. Somehow, this person figured out that I asked and is now sending her friends, who are also claiming to be realtors, to my business page to post vulgar comments and are telling everyone not to do business with me even though Ive never actually done business with them. I looked them up on our state website and none of them are actually licensed. They have all stolen logos from companies in other states and are asking for leads and referrals. I keep banning new profiles from my business page but more keep popping up. I have reported this to Facebook but, of course, I cant actually talk to anyone so nothing is getting done on that end. My office wont get involved because they are only attacking my name. The real estate commission in my state needs a written complaint and they will investigate so Im working on that. What else can I do on Facebook? Are there special settings to not allow comments in my business page? Any advice would be appreciated as my next step will be to get a lawyer, but if we cant find out who these people are then that will be a waste of money.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 13:34:31 +0000

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