Im highly offended at something I just read. Racism comes in every - TopicsExpress


Im highly offended at something I just read. Racism comes in every color and every gender. I get ugly scorns from African American people as well as I do Caucasian. So for you to say the only reason racism exist is because of white people, I am disgusted. Its a ugly disease & that comment was a racial slur! If you really want to get on the subject of who got treated the worst, MY ancestors had their land taken from them by the so called white men! Yes, African Americans were treated horrible. The white man brought African American slaves over to America, as to where white men took the Native Americans homeland. I agree a young mans life was taken because of a error in judgment! Its wrong and devastating. However, I dont see anyone posting of how ridiculous gang relations are & how many young men we lose each year due to gang affiliations. Just to educate you my friend, a black male had the right to vote before a white woman (I believe, could be wrong.) Stop with all that mess! Its 2014, get with times! I agree that it was a senseless act for a young man to lose his life like that. I pray for this country. If we spent half the time helping one another (in our own country), we wouldnt be in such bad shape! P.S. Tell our President to stop worrying about taking my gun away, and give me my full pell grant that I pay taxes on every year!
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 03:58:14 +0000

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