Im home! Just a little goofy but I am glad it is over. The surgeon - TopicsExpress


Im home! Just a little goofy but I am glad it is over. The surgeon said it went very well and he is feeling pretty good that its not cancer. The results from the Bx *should* be back Monday although I was told they sometimes double check and it could be a bit longer. The nurses were fantastic and the first thing they were guna run through my IV was steroids grrr BUT she actually listened and said hey, you know ur body better than me, and sent the decdron right back to the pharmacy. Thank God for good nurses that listen. They usually try to talk me into it anyway, Ive even had them say nothing and shoot it straight in my IV without a word. Ive been huffin on a store bought Century 21 ecig and I am *delighted* to say I am satisfied and the thoughts of a cig are only fleeting. Im SO EXCITED to get my good one from sister tomorrow and can hardly believe I am making it as a NONsmoker. WOW! The only glitch of the horrible gen practitioner told me that if I take the Rx for pain med from the surgeon instead of what HE was to call in for me, he would drop me as a patient. I TRUSTED HIM and picked up the Rx without even looking and got home...he Rx me ten 5mg Lortab to be taken ONE time a day. deep breath: to put it mildly I WAS LIVID. I told my SURGEON I was not to fill his Rx b/c my Md. was to be the only prescriber of pain meds for me and that hed called it in for me to pick up. Thankfully I took the paper Rx with the intention of giving it to my Md. at the next visit as proof Id gotten and not filled it b/c I trusted his Rx skills. When I got dropped at home and opened that bag to 10 fivemg tabs to be taken ONCE a day I nearly lost it. Instead I went and filled the surgeons which was LIQUID so I could swallow it AND 7.5mg 3 x a day for one week with 1 refill. Needless to say I wrote a very nice letter and dropped it off at my Md office and showed the girls up front the 2 Rx. They were pretty shocked too and readily agreed my Md. tried to make me suffer and they too would have done the exact same thing. Need I say Dr. Knapp YOU are FIRED. What would he give me if it is cancer and I have to undergo chemo/radiation, yeah uh I wont be hanging around him to find out! The BEST part of it all my sister in Christ Ruth spent our time together reading to me, teaching me, and praying with me. She has a supernatural way of teaching you *exactly* what you want or needed to learn. She is amazing! I DID check her for angel wings today and although I didnt outright see/feel them I *know* she has them folded up and hidden back there. I think she flies back to heaven each night, I really do. I LOVE YOU MY RUTHIE!!!! She gave me the books, the music, and the ministry I needed to go through this like a duck goes through water. Yes Ruth, its all God. and I thank Him for you, your wisdom, and your love, every night.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 22:06:15 +0000

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