Im hoping that its just because of the Easter weekend, but just in - TopicsExpress


Im hoping that its just because of the Easter weekend, but just in case, I will ask again. Can ANY President Obama supporter PLEASE explain to me why our president simple REFUSES to enforce the law? Im specifically referring to the unanimously passed bill barring any foreign national who committed an act of terrorism from entering the country as a diplomat...aimed right now at an Iranian who held American citizens hostage in Iran when Jimmy Carter was president. So, President Obama gets the bill on his desk, which enjoyed UNANIMOUS and BIPARTISAN support, he signs the bill into law...and then immediately says he will NOT ENFORCE THE LAW!!!! One of the only jobs specifically given to the president in the Constitution...which he claims to be a scholar to Faithfully enforce the laws of the United States. His blatent and public REFUSAL to enforce a law which both parties support is, to me, an impeachable offense. All of us, as Americans, need to DEMAND that the president...WHO WORKS FOR US...enforce the laws of the land, as written, across the board. You dont get to enforce the laws that you agree with and ignore those you dont. How in the name of all thats holy can Obama think its okay for Iran to send a former hostage taker to the country whose citizens he held hostage? SOMEBODY PLEASE EXPLAIN IT TO ME!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 01:34:16 +0000

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