Im in Italy. We went to Venice last week and got to watch the USA - TopicsExpress


Im in Italy. We went to Venice last week and got to watch the USA play and beat Ghana in their first round of the World Cup with a bunch of American tourists. It appeared that all (or many) of the Americans currently in Venice were in the Campo Santa Marguerita Piazza (one of their rather large open-space plazas) cheering for TEAM USA outside a couple bars. Many of the bars had large-screened TVs up so everyone could watch the World Cup. But this night, we had gone back to our apartment and, while sitting on our rooftop deck, could hear a large group singing the Star Spangled Banner down in the Piazza. It was loud and beautiful! Tony (my husband) and I ran down our five flights of stairs and rejoined them! There were US Flags waving and hundreds of traveling Americans (and a few ex-pats) whod come together to watch our team play! Few knew each other, but in this one instance, we were brothers and sisters. We drank Italian, German, Dutch, French, Belgian and even a couple American beers alongside shots of tequila and whatever shots the 20-somethings were persuading the bar tenders to conjure up. A few guys snuck around a corner to partake in some locally acquired MJ. All-in-all, hundreds of us just yelled and screamed when a goal was missed, when one of our lead guys, striker, Jozy Altidore, was injured and then when the game winning goal was plowed into the goal by John Brooks! It was crazy! I felt like I was in Times Square on New Years Eve! OK, so it wasnt millions, but with my own chest swelled with pride and love for soccer (we played often during team sports Fridays while I was in the Marines), I was pumped! Whats more, you should have heard all the people talking about the game. They knew it! Many had played in college, some have kids who play in their communities (back home in PA, TX, IN, CA, NV, GA, FL, NY, TN, OK, and NC--the ones I spoke with), and many of the others just follow it on TV. Some though, were just watching and excited that the USA was finally able to participate in a sport that has consumed the entire world and spans/wipes out the class divide!!! Ann Coulter is clueless (again) with this crap about no REAL American watching soccer. Doesnt she know that her great-grandfather (and yours and one of mine - I have native American blood Ms. Coulter) was most likely an immigrant? Her hateful language is completely unhealthy for the half of Americans who watch her spew her vile alongside the other puppets of FOX. How can we get louder? How can we beat her down? How can we do more than post on FB?
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 10:04:28 +0000

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