Im in tears sitting on a bike at the gym this morning. I just - TopicsExpress


Im in tears sitting on a bike at the gym this morning. I just dropped Alli off at cheer camp practice, Aubrey is at girls camp, Jayden is at home in bed, Brandon went to work before I woke, like hes been doing every single day for almost 14 yrs of marriage, hes been working 18-36 hour days straight ever since I can remember, its affecting his health now, I keep wondering if its worth it? After losing our house in 2010 due to the economy/housing market crashing and not getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in our landscaping company it was hard to see how we would ever be stable financially again. We filed a bankruptcy petition at the direction of our lawyers to buy us more time with the bank, it was dismissed, but still on our credit reports. They denied our short sale request, they committed fraud when foreclosing on us. There was nothing we could do. We have been renting since that time. Back in November of 2013 we were notified that our landlord had not been paying our rent to the bank and now this house was being foreclosed on. In March 2014 when Fannie Mae took over ownership of this house, they agreed to give us one more year of renting because we had a previous rental agreement with the landlord. We now have until March of next year to pay down enough debt, and save up enough money to do a lease option for a house with someone who agrees to do a lease option with us, we cannot qualify for a home loan for a few more years because of the foreclosure and the bankruptcy that was out of our control. Maybe you can see now why I sit here in tears as a wife and as a mother, worried about the future. We have been self-employed with our landscaping company for over 11 yrs now and for most of that time it has been very good to us financially, but it is slowly killing my husband. He is a slave to our business. In my opinion its costing us more than we can afford to lose. When I found it works global or rather when it found me, I was running Tipton landscaping and our food establishment firehouse burger from home, when people would ask me to describe my life in one word the only thing that came to mind was chaos, I definitely wasnt happy, I was frustrated and sad all the time and was just doing what I had to do each day to survive life. I know that Brandon would tell you hes still doing the same thing. The year that I started with it works, I was able to hire someone else to run our landscaping company and we closed down Firehouse at the end of 2012. By this time I was making five figures a month with it works, we started to pay off debt, I was definitely happier and healthier than I had been in a very long time. During 2013 I actually passed our landscaping monthly income and we were able to pay off over 100,000 dollars of debt, it has definitely been a much needed blessing for me personally as well as to our family financially. Now you might be thinking why is she in tears ? it looks like things are looking up, like things are improving and getting better. They are in a lot of ways and I am very thankful for this alternate opportunity, an option that I definitely wasnt looking for and never thought that I would do in 1 million years. I was so turned off by network marketing having grown up in Utah my whole life and never thought that people actually make money doing that kind of thing. But something clicked in me when I saw the results from what our products can do, it didnt matter to me anymore that it was network marketing because I knew people would be interested in what we had to offer, these products, not just our body wraps, truly make a difference in peoples lives. They have made the quality of their life better. Was I looking to do another business from home? Absolutely NOT! Remember chaos was already my day to day life. I honestly believe that God knew I just needed to see those results pictures on Facebook from someone that I trusted. I joined without telling Brandon. I thought he wont miss $99. It was the best $99 Ive ever spent behind his back. Lol. I will now relentlessly continue to work and share these products whenever possible. I believe in them and I know they can change peoples lives and I know that the business can too. I will keep going because I love it and I desperately want to give Brandon the relief he deserves. He was telling me just the other night he feels guilty for not giving me the life I deserve. He really has it all wrong, he has been the best thing that has ever happened to me, he is my rock and the thing that pushes me each and every day. The greater majority of people at my Presidential level in the company have already retired or as we say in It Works rewired their husbands. We arent there yet due to the overwhelming debt we still have and because we dont have a home of our own. I know this has come to me and Brandon for a reason, I know that God wants this for us, I know as weird as it may sound that we are meant to be leaders with this company and for our team. This opportunity is for anyone who is willing to work hard, this is for people who want more out of life and are willing to do whatever it takes to get there. This is me and Brandon. We arent afraid to work and spend the hours it will take to have a better life for ourselves and our kids. We want to bless and serve others as well. It Works has given us the means to do so. This company isnt going anywhere, people will always have problem areas that they want to work on and will always have a need for increased health wellness Through our products. Watching Brandon still work for 18 hours a day and be so overloaded with pressure and stress of our traditional business is why I am in tears today, I love him so much I want the best for him and for our kids and the best for him does not include working like this for the rest of his life. I have found a better way. Is it perfect? No, its just better. This is why I do what I do. I will never apologize for wanting better for my husband and my family. I will never stop trying to help others on their journey for a better life either. We are the answers to other peoples prayers, we are here to lift each other. If you know someone who is struggling with their health or financially and think It Works may be the answer they need Id love to talk with them and see. Thank you. Have a great Tuesday. Michelle. Thank you Mark Pentecost, Pam Sowder and Mike Potillo for this opportunity to really do something great for my family and so many others searching for more out of life.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 16:55:30 +0000

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