Im just going to come out and say it. Jesus is an awesome guy. He - TopicsExpress


Im just going to come out and say it. Jesus is an awesome guy. He has helped me through a lot, especially throughout my years at Bishop Guertin. He is someone who has been there through thick and thin and has always made me smile, just like Mr. Lajoie often does with his high fives in the hallway. Jesus has had such a unique way of shaping myself as a person and has helped me reach out to others in need, he has been the inspiration behind many great acts I have done, just like how Mr. Genest put together the mission trip to NJ, and brother Don does to Africa, and campus ministry organizes so many retreats that it feels good to know that I can make a difference in peoples lives by raking some leaves at the fall day of service or by donating to the african mission drive. Jesus has been a real brother to me at BG, but not only a brother, he has been that older brother that I have looked up to for advice and gives it to me like free candy, BGs guidance department has the best candy in the state, and have a few words of advice for things like college!!! Jesus supplies me with my spiritual food at mass and prayer services, and the BG cafe staff supplies great physical food to keep me going throughout the day, and Jesus cleans up my messes when im done...just like the janitors are kind enough to help pick up after those prayer services (and sometimes when i forget to through my trash at lunch away). Jesus eggs me on and keeps me going and leads me to do great things with my life, and I think Brother Mark and Mrs Brouder have led our school to top of all high schools in the world!! when i have a lot of energy and just need to defuse, Jesus is there to play games and chat with me, or make me a stronger person and help me know the values of a healthy life style, and the phys ed department at bg points out those same key points it amazes me!!! He always reminds me to be calm, cool, and collected, and to always be honest and do my own work, just like the two fantastic VPs at BG do, Mr. Fussal and Mr. Tessini. and when the school day is done at 2:25 Jesus helps me get ready to spread his good news to others and to compete with other schools for the glory of his name, and with the help of Mr. Paladino, who coordinates the different athletic events, it is all made possible. when I dont understand what someone is saying to me, Jesus gives me the courage to ask them to repeat themselves and explain to me what they are saying, and if it happens to be another language, BGs language department is there to help me understand and learn what it is they are trying to say to me. Jesus supports me and gives me help whenever i need it and is always there, and Mrs. Barbero is always there to give me tech support because i need it so often. Jesus makes sure i play by the rules and that everyone has a fair shot at life, and Mr. Jackson does the same at sporting events that he refs at. He makes sure i am looking sharp, i am his brother after all and if i look good, it makes him look good, just like Mrs. kado making sure everyone is in dresscode. and even what it is all said and done, after Jesus died on the cross, and everyone thought that they would never see him again, he came back and teaches us everyday, just like the amazing faculty and staff and teachers that have left the nest and have found new places to share talents with, and still visit from time to time to keep old friendships and bonds alive. Jesus is a role model to live by, he is wise beyond his years, and his years are up there, but no matter his age, he is always looking out in the halls of BG, and hangs out in the library ready to help the kids that need it, just like brother Norm. When i am sick, I know Jesus will take care of me and should i get sick at school, I can count on Mrs. Tunner to help me through it. He is a true friend, and sticks with me till the end, he never lets me down and always is there to listen and to laugh, just like the great student body and the great friends and classmates i have at BG....but most of all, Jesus teaches me. He teaches me to stay true to myself, and to always put others before myself, to value the key aspects of life that bring the most joy, and he teaches me about the world around me. he forgives me for the wrong doings i commet, and sets me on the right path ready to succeed in the future. the teachers at BG do the exact same thing! it is like they share lesson plans! short, if you havent caught on im complimenting the entire community that is Bishop Guertin High School, past present and future. they truly exemplify the teachings of Jesus and bring out the best in every single person that walks through the building. I have shown how just a few people at the school illustrate similarities with Jesus, and I applaud the BG community for being what it is, a source of Faith, Hope, and Love
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 21:47:44 +0000

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