Im just going to put it out there and I know it will cause a stir - TopicsExpress


Im just going to put it out there and I know it will cause a stir but Im asking out of genuine interest. As Muslims we believe in the following because its textually validated and confirmed: - Jinns (Quran and Hadith) - Black magic / magic in general (Hadith) - Evil eye (Hadith) - having contact with jinn (Quran and Hadith) However, is there any textual evidence to suggest or confirm that jinn can POSSESS humans? I.e. Take full control of their body, actions and decisions to an extent where that human is no longer accountable for what he/she does or says because they have been possessed? If theres any literature or daleel to support the above, please post below or PM me, because I havent read or found anything. P.s. Coming into contact with jinn can result in strange, unexplainable behaviour BUT possession is something else surely?
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 02:47:23 +0000

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