Im kinda hot under the collar tonight..This Jonathan Grubar fellow - TopicsExpress


Im kinda hot under the collar tonight..This Jonathan Grubar fellow that is all over the news says that he helped draft the affordable care act ( Obama Care ) And the only way they could get it through is that the public was to stupid to catch on to what they were doing...Im not very smart but what I do know is that not one Republican Congressman or Senator that I helped put in Office voted for any part of that act.... So looks to me like the stupid label belongs to all the Democratic Legislators that voted for OBoma Care without reading it first...Nancy Pelosi said on TV that they needed to pass it then read it....NOW WHO IS STUPID>>Think about it . With the exception of 5 or six Rs.. It is a Dem DEAL.....I tried to get Obama care insurance for a minimum wage employee...This person has a job, car payment, rent, electric bill and groceries...The cheapest Obama care was about $ 300 plus per month....Not only do minimum wage employees not have the $300. per month but if they did the insurance has a $5000. deductible which means they dont get one dime from insurance for Drs or meds until they have spent $5000. out of their on pocket.....$ the 300. plus amount includes the Govt supplement. And if they dont get the coverage the Govt ( IRS ) taxes them... PURE SOCIALISM....OBama care is a RAPE of the indigents that we were led to believe it would help PLEASE SHARE IF YOU AGREE>>>
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 00:40:47 +0000

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