Im late watching this but I just watched a very touching story - TopicsExpress


Im late watching this but I just watched a very touching story from a reality show to top it off that I have to share to pay it forward! I know I love watching the Real Housewives shows usually for their crazy drama and entertainment but this time, I can actually share something very positive and very dear to my heart. New cast member, Amber Marchese of the RHW of New Jersey shared her journey and life experience when she was affected by cancer. What she says at the end,You really need to be the best person you can be, at all times because thats what cancer did to me. I am 100% in agreement with her and can relate! I live my life the very same way because experiencing cancer changes your LIFE! For the good and bad, it is what you make of that experience, the most important journey of your life, so why not strive to live life to the fullest by staying positive and make it count! Just had to share something straight from the heart since this is a very meaningful and passionate topic for me. Im very happy a reality show like the Real Housewives of New Jersey added a cast member that really can bring so much more cancer awareness to the viewers! Much love for that ;) To all of you, please remember one thing! Cancer prevention is super important to know about which is why we have to live a balanced life and focus on your health as a major priority! You just have to have the WILL to make it happen! You can start by doing something important and simple like making a promise to yourself that every year, perhaps on your birthday month, you will go to the doc and get a full physical. If you can do this and make a pact to yourself, you will be paying it forward by doing so. I feel like my calling in life is to help people in any way I can and want to share knowledge with people to pay it forward and continue to honor the memory of my little brother, Henry! I genuinely just want to educate people to see health in a different light and learn how to better take care of ourselves and prevent things as much as we can such as cancer! So, do you have the will to make a change with your health? That is the golden question I will leave you with ;) Food for thought. If you know anyone affected by cancer, please share or call the American Cancer Society Help Line, 24/7 at 1-800 227-2345 with them. Thanks for reading if you made it all the way through ;) Have an amazing week ;) Much love! #acs #rhonj #health #cancerprevention #positive #journey #life #livelifetothefullest #will #powerful #willpower #cancer #cancerawareness #love #muchlove #ambermarchese
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 04:32:26 +0000

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