Im looking for an apartment in a nice area, so I went somewhere - TopicsExpress


Im looking for an apartment in a nice area, so I went somewhere today, after I spoke by email and phone to a gentlemen. He sent his associate to meet me at the building. After seeing the building I was very disappointed and told the lady nicely how I felt. I was shocked to come home and get a mail from the man, which he Cc to associate (lady). And I sure wrote him back how I felt and Cc the lady as well. This is his letter: Good Afternoon Dadland, I certainly realize that every apartment is not for everyone. For you to make the statement to someone that works for me that out advertisement is not honest is insulting and obnoxious. Every picture is 100% every part of the advertisement is 100%. I realize it is hard to find the ideal apartment in your price range but you could just leave it at that. Best of luck, XXX This is my reply: I wasnt going to respond to you, because I have nothing to gain or a dime to earn from replying to you. Yet I felt I must share with you, not that I care about you, but I care about others who will utter not one word, others with silence that enables further degradation of communities due to real estate agents (like yourself) who promote decay as opportunity, real estate agents who fail to hold landlords to responsibility before representing properties. Firstly, it isn’t business savvy to go fighting with every customer who shares how they feel. That will wear you out--disempower you rather than empower you; give you headaches rather than lighten your day; contract the possible references you could acquire rather than expand clientele. Indeed, I told YYYY, who seemed very professional, that I was deeply disappointed by what you posted on Craigslist and your website. I also told her that your advertisement was not honest. She didnt argue with me, which I think makes her very professional; but she didnt affirm what I said either. When people see decay, they need no one else to try and convince them that they are really viewing an opportunity. On that note, I think she was very professional. I didn’t tell her this, but I will tell you that the building was filthy; the backyard was fit for lowlifes only; even the area in front of the building smelt of decay. I had to hurry to find the train. If that is a building you are offering with pride while failing to honestly present the sights of decay, rot in the area, and garbage on the streets that persons will encounter, then it says much about your character that you expect potential clients to view it with silence. How dare you expect my silence! You do not know me, but you expect me not to protest! My silence would be my consent to that state of deplorability. My silence would be an affirmation that it’s ok for you to offer that decay as a rental opportunity. Certainly, you are correct to suggest that price ranges determine building characteristics, but I have seen many Inwood, Morningside Heights, even Park Slope, and Astoria apartments for $1450 that have the characteristics of deceny Rather than lecturing me about what is insulting in my protest without failing to see how you insulted me after I told you on the phone that my price range was up to $1600, you should expend your energy on the landlord and ask her/him to fix the floor so that it doesnt sink when potential clients step on it. In order words, I am suggesting that you do the labor to put your own business reputation in order before you offer suggestions about how customers should deploy their reactions. Dont try to fix my words! Fix your reputation! For sure, I know YYYY can never say I disrespected her. I simply asked her to share my reaction to you, hoping you would not misunderstand future clients to have hoodlum tastes. My letter here is not to argue with you, but to argue for other clients whom you will automatically disrespect by virtue of your misleading advertisement—your ad was misleading because it positioned the rental decay as an opportunity. You alluded to the aesthetic of the park to boast the credential without noting that the building on a whole is a dirty edifice. You talked about sunlight when, in fact, the place was dark. And looking at the architecture and position of the apartment, there is no way sunlight could get inside. It’s a place for renters who are courting defeat in their own lives. I would suggest you use your job not to just earn money, but to empower your potential customers with your honesty. Good luck! Dadland
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 22:08:41 +0000

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