Im making this public post on behalf of my son Matthew Chillemi - TopicsExpress


Im making this public post on behalf of my son Matthew Chillemi and many others like him. Last evening I was made aware yet of another suicide in the Schuylkill County jail in Pottsville,PA. Many many deaths have been occuring there in the years prior to my son Matthew and also since his passing. Still nothing has been done to protect these inmates from doing harm to themselves or others. This has been going on for years. A young man just 18 years old hung himself before my son. After that the vent he used was welded shut . Id like someone to explain to me and every other family member since that young mans death why werent all the vents welded shut to prevent this from ever happening again. Still I come back to the same question...Where were all the guards??? Why were these prisoners left unattended??? My son was screaming on the phone minutes before he went back to his cell locked the door,put toilet paper over the glass pane and took a sheet and ran it through the vents and hung himself. In all that time where were those guards??? Schuylkill County makes lots of money off these petty thieves. I know because thats what my son was just a thief. Funny how the County courthouse just found out not too long ago that someone in the treasury dept.had been stealing money for years as well as the tax office in the city hall in Pottsville. Im hoping for some young hungry reporter whos looking to make a name for himself. Theres corruption all over Schuylkill County. I should know, they have come after all my children at one time or another but Ive seen with my own eyes these very same magistrates drunk in bars and the Eagles club. I had a drink with them so I know what Im talking about. My son was no angel but he wasnt a murderer either . He was actually making an attempt to do right by taking a job out of state. Too bad he was 15 minutes late getting home from work for a counseling session. His P.O. Didnt even want to hear it. She violated him and was sending him back to jail. Funny a week after his death I heard she was busted for cocaine possession but I guess that was swept under a rug too since I never heard anything about it again. I feel sorry for this young mans family Hopefully like me they dont let it go until someone does something about this death trap where our young are falling victim to the corruption of the local and state government!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 16:41:48 +0000

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