Im no lawyer but I always thought the police needed permission to - TopicsExpress


Im no lawyer but I always thought the police needed permission to enter property. If the criminal being chased wasnt posing an immediate threat than the cop had no business entering this property. I have 3 dogs in a fenced yard in a rough neighborhood. THAT is one of the main reasons I have the dogs. I have been broken into and robbed in broad daylight out of my garage. Those dogs protect me and my property. Does this mean that if some punk tries to evade the law near my property than my dogs are in danger???? This comment from the WKRG website expresses my views. I dont get this a$$hole. If the person he was in pursuit of ended up in this guys backyard, wouldnt common sense tell you that the dog would have stood his ground and attacked or held off this person from entering the property? ?This was a senseless killing and should be grounds for felony animal abuse . Charge the officer accordingly and fire him. Too many of these officers think because they hold a badge and a gun they are above the law and do whatever they want. This city needs a total up-haul of its so called finest. We need clean cops in here that will protect and serve the citizens and do right by all.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 11:53:49 +0000

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