Im no racist because as a victim of racism I could never justify - TopicsExpress


Im no racist because as a victim of racism I could never justify that type of historical hatred towards any race, I am humane and as a human being Id rather see my enemies dead rather than suffer a slow phycologicaly painful torture . What happened to african is not treatment a human would be stowe upon another human . I question the society that did this to us . I do not and will never forgive those who did this and carry on such racist purgatory . I am an anthropologist, historian, studying genetics and fully aware of every civilization that ever enslaved another community, nationality, culture from the beginning of time, whether greeks, romans, Persians, Egyptians, ottomans, etc. What England created for africans which European perpetuated is not historical slavery but far beyond slavery, what happened to african was a fuking holecauste ! And today those who sit back and do not denounce this holecauste have endorsed it with silence the same as if they participated ! Equivalent to taking a fish out of water, his natural habitat, where he functioned naturally is the condition bestowed apun the african, to speculate his true place in society is under eropean standards of living while refusing to allow him the fair oportunity to survive under the conditions the European society had access to thrive . The african leggs were tied together and the african was put not at the starting line but put into the race when the European had already made it to the finish line and then asked the african nigga why cant you catch up .
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 12:43:57 +0000

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