Im not a politician, nor do I pretend to be active in politics, or - TopicsExpress


Im not a politician, nor do I pretend to be active in politics, or even care much about the field. Even so, I find it a complete mediocrity when our president releases a competent speech about a relevant problem, only to be followed by an onslaught of Tweets and news posts which completely beleaguer his intent and perverse the meanings of his words. Ted Cruz, did you even watch the speech? To all of you members of Facebook, I suggest you actually watch the presidents speech before you attempt to criticize his actions based on these blatant misrepresentations. Obamas Points: If youve lived here for more than 5 years, have children, and havent committed a legal offense, you can apply for a TEMPORARY work visa, so long as you register yourself and pay a fine. By this, these people begin to pay taxes and benefit our economy. Perhaps this is amnesty, but honestly, we will never be able to fully deport the illegal immigrants in America. Obamas plan makes the best of the situation we currently have and ensures that immigration will continue to be increasingly stymied in the foreseeable future.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 04:18:48 +0000

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