Im not advertising, but have a question for all breeders who use - TopicsExpress


Im not advertising, but have a question for all breeders who use Personal Hand Couriers to transport their puppies......Just who is responsible for our puppies once they leave our hands? Heres my story, its a long one, so pull up a chair & get a drink & some popcorn & tell me what you think. I was given a referral for a new pet courier that usually transports by air. On Tuesday they called & said that all seats had filled up for Wednesday morning. They were taking 2 of my 10 week old puppies 2 different destinations. They wanted to drive in & meet to pick the puppies up & take them back to their house. Only keeping 1 overnight, boarding a flight to take him to his destination early the next morning. He arrived as planned with no issues. The other little girl was going to be delivered Thursday morning. The courier said she checked on her before leaving with the boy for the airport & she was up moving around. When she got back home she said she looked in on her & she was sleeping. She just thought she was tired. I spoke to her about 3pm Wednesday while she was traveling (not at home) & she said everything was fine, the boy had been delivered, girl was good. Then I get a call from her about 8:15pm that night telling me that she was at an emergency Vet Clinic with the girl. She said she had no idea what was wrong with her. She basically told me that shed checked on her 1 other time after the 1st time getting back from the airport & she was still sleeping. She said late Wednesday evening she heard her cry & went to check her. Found her unable to stand & her head lolling back in forth. I told her that had she called me hours ago I wouldve told her to wake her up & get her Nutri-cal & make her eat & drink. She was having a bad sugar drop & was hypoglycemic from no food or water all day. I instructed the Vet to give her IV fluids & Nutri-cal, wait about 20 minutes to see if she was able to stand on her own, then offer her some canned wet food. So long story short I informed her that she was responsible for that puppy & would have to cover her bill. She completely agreed with me that it was her fault & did pay the bill. Then I get a call Thursday morning from the owner of the company & shes saying that it was a medical emergency & my buyer is responsible for the bill. I said no way, your not asking my buyer to foot a bill that was caused from neglect from one of your Couriers. Which both the owner & her transporter had assured me prior that all they shipped was small breed dogs & were well aware of how to care for them. Its a family business, daughter owns, her husband & Mother & Father transport for her. Needless to say the puppy survived but isnt in any condition to go to the buyer now. I wanted them to bring me the puppy back & let me care for her until shes recovers completely & back to 100% again. My buyer has been fantastic about this whole mess, but is worried & concerned about the puppy. The emergency Vet said her blood sugar level was 24 when she arrived. I went round & round on the phone with the owner of the company Thursday afternoon again. They wanted me to pay for the return of my baby, which I thought was crazy after all it was because of her Mothers neglect that she was in the shape she was in. She tried to tell me that her Mother never let those puppies out of her site. That they stayed right beside her where she could check on them constantly. I told her that was not true that her Mother told me that she checked out her before leaving with the boy for the airport Wednesday morning, then when she got home went to check on her (sleeping), then later that afternoon when she got home, checked on her (sleeping again). She said well my Mother thinks that puppies sleep a lot, shes only been around a few newborn litters that Ive had myself. I said well then your Mother has no business transporting puppies if she thinks its okay for a 10 week old puppy to sleep all day & not eat or drink anything. My buyer paid $300 for shipping but when I was counting out their money for both the puppies they were suppose to be transporting I didnt have my glasses on & accidently gave them $200 too much. Her Mother acknowledged that & was suppose to return the extra to me via Paypal Wednesday but the girl went down & now they wont give me that back at all. The owner told me I could drive to Charlotte & pick her up but I told her if I had to drive 5-6 hours one way I was going to be extremely HOT when I got there. Plus I didnt think that the girl was in any shape for another 5-6 hour car ride back home with me. She finally agreed to attempt to fly her back to me Friday morning & return my buyers $300, but all stand by seats filled up on both flights on US Airways so I didnt get her back Friday, Saturday or Sunday. She was in excellent health & had been weaned for over 3 weeks when she left my home & weighed a little over 2 lbs. I actually took 2 videos of both of them before they left my house & she was the most outgoing & active pup of the 2. I think it was just the long car ride that they had to take back to Charlotte combined with being thrown into a new environment, then them yanking her brother away from her the next morning & leaving her by herself all day. If shed have been checking on her regularly & giving her a little love & affection I dont think she wouldve gotten so depressed & stopped eating or drinking. The crazy lady shouldve known that when she saw her sleeping the 2 times that she did check on her that something was very wrong & she needed to wake her up or call me, not wait until she heard the death cry coming from another room to check on her. I finally got her back this morning...Thank God!!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 13:08:05 +0000

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