Im not endorsing the ministry that produced the beautiful video, - TopicsExpress


Im not endorsing the ministry that produced the beautiful video, and certainly not the commentary notes where people are talking about miracles and witness of the supernatural Im merely endorsing the scriptures he reads beautifully and I want to use the moment to share some TRUTHS about the Blessings of Gods Healing. It is hard to talk about Divine Healing since it has been bastardized by huge fake carnival shows for profit. Physical, Emotional and Spiritual healing should be a part of the everyday laymans life, if he/she is a genuine Christian. Healing has never been absent in any age of the Church. Sadly the Roman Catholics and their Protestant children relegate the instances of healing to the category of miracle, a word not actually found in the Scriptures. The Etymology of the word Miracle is a recourse to magic inside a category called super-natural. When in fact healing is the most natural thing in the world. Scripture only uses the terms, blessings, signs and wonders never miracle. But healings happen every day. Doctors cant handle the truth of them and call them, mis-diagnoses and spontaneous remissions. They have to find a Material Reason for events they believe are not really possible. They honestly believe that blessing of healing step outside the laws of nature. They do not step outside the TRUE law of Nature, who is our God, Father, the giver of all good gifts, the Son, by whos suffering we are healed, and the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life. Our culture has become ingrained in the philosophy of Extreme Materialism, which is called by the agnostics and atheists, Naturalism. What they describe as natural is most unnatural, and the confines they place on the production of health are also, unnatural, a truncation of the health possible lived in a loving and prayerful life. A friend gave me the example of his 89 year old uncle, a devout man full of love who had spent decades caring for his wife who had suffered health struggles for years. His son, seeing the mother slipping away, arranged for both to go to a nursing home, together where they could be better cared for. The Uncle told his son, If you send me to a nursing home, I will surely die. I will be blocked from what sustains me. He lived across the street from his Church and attended mass every day. The son insisted, and in a few days the Uncle was dead. The man had appeared unusually healthy for his age. Shocked the son ordered an autopsy, and the pathologist said, Sir, the question isnt why your father died, it is how has he managed to live for the last decade to fifteen years. There isnt a inch of his body that is not totally compromised by cancer. This didnt just happen, this has developed over years. Yet everyone knew he was young for his age and had more energy and stamina that one would expect at that age. What sustained him was his love for his wife and his God, and communion with God, every day. Did you know that in the Original Catholic Church before the compromises to rationalism and spiritualism - where now a miracle has to be verified by experts to be real, that the Office of Healer was a minor lay-order of the Church. Blessings of healing flowed in the Church. They still do in segments of the Church that have not been compromised. These healings required no big emotional scene, or prayer lines, or loud shouts or any of the histrionics that accompany the healing carnival shows. They were effected by quiet but POWERFUL words of faith, one on one, most times in private or semi-private, sometime small gatherings of family and/or friends, rarely in a Service and in Public but in the comfort of believers homes. Christian healing needs desperately to rid itself of its Clerical Bondage. It needs to be taken seriously by mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, Grand Parents and friends. In this age when children are being assaulted by the health care industry pumped with multiple poisons in their infancy - this is understanding of healing and the REAL source of health desperately need to be grasped. I have one daughter who would have spent her life with one normal arm and the other being the arm of a child, had I listened to the doctors who told me that the only remedy for a very bad break was to pin it with metal to splice the arm back together, but that the process would greatly injure and maybe completely kill that arms growth center. I said, no way. I had them cast the lower arm just bellow the break all the way to the wrist, and weighted the cast with lead. With prayer the bones moved into place and mended. The doctors fussed and fussed, but now she is middle aged, beautifully proportioned and as far as I know has NEVER has a problem with that shoulder joint. - this is just one of many, many hundreds of instances of healing Ive witnessed with the exercise of simple Faith. When Jesus said, Greater things shall ye do the circus people think of buildings, filling great halls, proclaiming the Gospel to masses of people. No he meant that WE, not the official clergy, not the preachers and priests should speak, should command healing into existence. He didnt say, if you beg long enough I may grant a miracle! NO he said greater things shall YOU DO. Quietly, without pomp and even without emotion, except the driving motivation of LOVE that seeks to see EVERYONE prosper in health, and in intelligent, sound mind in Christ Jesus.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 21:20:08 +0000

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