Im not even about to be apologetic about what Im about to say, - TopicsExpress


Im not even about to be apologetic about what Im about to say, after watching this video. This is NO WAY for ANYONE on this Earth, to have to live! This is deep, psychological damage, when any race of people have to conform to the drum beat of another, in how you look, how you dress, speak, name your children, and all the other ludicrous BS societal rules that Black people must march to, in order to survive a trip to the store, work, or wherever, just because theyre not dawning a suit and tie. This is oppressive. This is not freedom. The ironic thing is too often we see videos bashing the sisters who are single parents for making their sons subservient to police, when in essence black people overall are being taught to make their children submissive, including this very well-to-do, Man, who is obviously wealthy, educated and part of the so-called upper echelon of life. Yes, of course everyone deserves a right to live and not to have their lives taken from them because they wear certain clothes. I empathize with this Brothers fears, but the fact that he still has to have him, while living a life of the Huxtables, speaks volumes. People also say that if you own your own business, have both parents in the household, teach your children the right way to be and are everything this man appears to be in this video, youll have nothing to worry about. Whatever! This video debunks that theory, 100% If you recall, TRS did a story on this mans son being traumatized by being called a, at school. They were living an illusion and didnt mentally prepare him for the mental illness of supremacy that some individuals have in the world MLK was killed wearing a suit and tie, Malcolm X was too. There are historical pictures of Slaves, in their Sunday best outfits, hanging from trees. JFK & RFK were wearing a suit & tie when they were killed and they are white. Stop falling for that okey doke excuses why its alright for certain black people to be killed smdh. Some individuals are just friggin evil and they will kill people no matter what. If youre religious and believe Jesus was the son of God - was he a Thug? A gang banger? depicted as Black? Wore a hoodie? Yet he was allegedly crucified, so who else matters beyond that, regardless how they have to tap dance to stay alive? Lets tackle the matter of black on black crime being an okay reason why non-black individuals kill black people. Where was the black-on black crime the reason its okay to kill certain blacks when slaves were thrown off ships and drowned? Where was it during slavery? Where was it during sharecropping days.....the Civil Rights Era, which made it excusable for a certain element of black life to be disposable? Black on Black crime started when enslaved black men were forced to fight other black men in the ring to their death, like pitbulls, when black men were forced to rape black women to breed more slaves, when they were forced to beat other slaves for their Oppressor. Dont create a monster, that learned from the oppressor and then cry about it People kill people. Its gonna happen! You kill amongst those you are apart of, more so than others. Crimes of passion, living and dying by the sword of gang life, drug dealing, poor and jobless and stealing to survive, people getting caught in the cross-fire by accident. Thats going to happen. Then you have those who are serial killers and kill for the fun or hell of it, who kill because they want to see what it feels like, who kill because they hate someone elses color but hey, thats all pure innocent fun. When one Black person is guilty of something, we are all guilty. If you are not awake to the mental slavery that is being forced on us even moreso now, then you are in a world of trouble. No one should have to live this way and walk on egg shells, when this world is for everyone born on it and indigenous to it. And the biggest JOKE is, that the oppressive ones steal and mimic Black culture, music, dance AND so-called degenerate THUG fashion, bling bling, Jordans, hoodies and sagging pants, and live to tell about it and might walk past you wearing all the above, same as you, while you are getting shot like a dog in the street for it. Wrap your mind around that one. Done. Open your eyes. Nothing we do is going to matter. #bamboozled
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:51:34 +0000

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