Im not from your school but I want to share my thoughts about the - TopicsExpress


Im not from your school but I want to share my thoughts about the Meaning of my existence and also to give you inspiration :) Please spare me a little of your time. What on earth am I here for? This is the question that had been boggling my mind every now and then. Before, I really don’t have an answer for this question. Not until college that I had 65% certainty on what I really want in my life and maybe that “want in life” can give an answer to my question. Who do I live for? What do I live for? Being on the earth for 18 years, I probably would say that I exist for my family, my friends, for the people closest to my heart, for myself, for my dreams, for others and especially for God. I exist for my family for they are the priceless possessions I have and I wouldn’t trade them to any material things or luxuries the world has to offer. I live so that I may be able to love them everyday, help them, make them happy and proud of me and be able to show them how thankful I am that I have them as my family. I exist for my friends for they may have someone who’ll never get tired of listening to them, giving advices and spending precious times with them - someone who’ll never let them down and who would always have their back no matter what happens. I wake up and survive the day for the people closest to my heart so that I will be able to remind them that they have a special place in my life and heart always equated to love and that I will just be here for them whenever they need a friend, a sister, a judge, a clown, anything I can be. I exist for myself so that I would be able to exist for my dream. And that dream is to become a successful doctor someday that’s why I’m on this track of my life right now – taking BS Biology as my pre-med course. I also want to have my own family, have kids, be married with the man I prayed for and just be happy, contented and fulfilled. I exist for others so that I may be able to cure people not only physically but also emotionally when the time comes that I’m already a pediatrician. I will be able to extend my help to others to the extent that I will not expect anything in return. And lastly, I live for my creator, God. As what Rick Warren would say in one of his books entitled The Purpose Driven Life which is one of my favorite books, “The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. Its far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose.” I wasnt put on earth to be remembered. I was put here to prepare for eternity – to be with God forever. As Jesus said, “the one that loves us never really leaves us”. That “one” he’s referring to is himself and God. They will never leave us and we will be with them in eternity if we are able to fulfill our purpose here on earth. One day I’ll stand before the Lord, and I won’t disappoint Him with what I’ve done, but I’ll make Him proud for what I have shared, learned, accomplished and contributed. I’ll make Him proud for what I have become as a person throughout my existence here on earth. We live out our lives as we are meant to live them-with some choice, with some chance, but mostly as a result of the persons we are. Life is a gift from God. It is not absurd as others may see it. Life is meaningless only if we allow it to be. Each of us has the power to give life meaning, to make our time and our bodies and our words into instruments of love and hope. And I always have to be reminded that the purpose of life is a life of purpose. For the 35% doubt that I had on what’s my mission here on earth, I am still searching and praying for it. In God’s own time and will, it will be revealed to me and when that time comes, I will be able to fully live according to the essence of my existence. #echoesoftheheart 2010 BS BIOLOGY
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 12:30:37 +0000

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