Im not much for statistics but it is alarming to hear some of the - TopicsExpress


Im not much for statistics but it is alarming to hear some of the effects of GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, mainly genetically engineered protein, on our health.A country like USA spends more money on health care than any other country in the world just to Manage disease. In the past six months , Ive decided to re-evaluate my eating habits, being Italian I thought, yes , I eat healthy, homemade food avoiding at all costs junk food , but that was not enough . With the help of an holistic dietitian she helped me to further identify foods that did not agree with me and did not really know. Basicly dairy , wheat , and sugar. Oh boy I said, there goes the pasta, pizza, bread, gorgonzola and biscottis, ( All of these are GMO ). Not so, I can have all of these delicious foods by choosing BIO and grain alternatives, sorry except for the gorgonzola. I lost my first 22 lbs. It is not about the number on the scale but about feeling healthy and making the right choices. Coming back to Robyn OBriens point, making the right choices in todays products has been quite trying. A run at the grocery store now takes longer, cause I stop to read all the ingredients on the packaging and most of the time, avoid buying anything that is packaged. Reverting to BIO foods is much more expensive but a better choice. Until the governing institutions change their distribution of subsidies for organic growers, we the conscious consumer will be paying the price! One person can make a difference , starting within your family, go figure I got Alain eating Quinoa, I believe we can hopefully clean up some of the environmental toxins. Im glad that Canada is one of those countries, in part, that refused to be part of those GMOs. Food for thought during this Holiday Season. Peace and grow some veggies in your own garden or in pots.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 16:39:55 +0000

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