Im not normally a fan of Scripture (having read it and mostly - TopicsExpress


Im not normally a fan of Scripture (having read it and mostly found it wanting), but in one of many various translations, Proverbs 17:17 reads A friend loves at all times, and is born as a brother for adversity. In other words, a real friend loves their friend in the good times and in the bad. And in times of need, theyre more than a friend -- theyre as affectionate and trustworthy as one connected by the closest ties of relationship. So today, I lift up two people who have been more than friends to me, and are not so coincidentally celebrating their birthdays today. Aaron Fox is the little brother who you dont always understand, but he never fails to make you laugh when youre feeling down. Sometimes hell press your buttons, but always with a wink -- you know he just wants you to know hes there. Im proud to have watched him grow up, and deal maturely with issues most kids dont at his age, something in which he has been aided by a loving and supportive family. May the dreams he pursues, especially including those involving basketball, yield fruit! (Im coming over for cake. No, I wont eat the cake. You already knew that, though. :P ) And then theres Elizabeth Elinguation. She and her mom Mary Tramonti have been as dear to me as my own family since I met Lizzie in college. Eloquent, well-versed in things that many other people dont get (she is matched only in niche interests by Sophonisba Hankinson Gathman, and Im still trying to get you two to meet, I think itd be interesting), one of the few people who truly understands the crazy quilt that I call my emotions, it is not lightly that I call her my straight wife (she, in turn, calls me her gay husband -- I am positive that my kids will one day call her Momma Lizzie, just because I want to see the expression on her face the first time they call her that). Theres not much I wouldnt do for this woman, and I cant wait to see her Friday for a zoo outing. Were like Mame and Vera, for you theater queens on my list, and its just awesome to be around her. I cant imagine my life without her being a part of it. So... happy birthday, you two! (This is what you get when Anita predictions doesnt let me just post birthday horoscopes to walls anymore. :P )
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 13:58:17 +0000

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