Im not one to usually rant on Facebook but I feel like I really - TopicsExpress


Im not one to usually rant on Facebook but I feel like I really need to touch on a situation that occurred this morning. I was leaving the Saundersville Station area after picking up my daughter from a friends house. As I am heading toward the lower station camp intersection I come upon 2 bikers clearly taking up my whole lane. One biker was 3 ft from the side of the road in which if Im correct that is the amount given for bikers from the white line. But I guess since there were 2 of them they thought the whole lane would be sufficient leaving me no room to pass them. As I try to go around without slamming on my breaks a mini van was coming toward us in the other lane causing us both to have to slam on our breaks. I honked my horn for the biker to move to the side of the road he then moved to the middle of the road and stopped. As I pulled up to him I rolled down my window to express the danger he had just put ALL of us in. At that moment I was verbally assaulted and he actually got into face. I cant even repeat the things coming out of his mouth! So then I decided I better warn his girlfriend of his anger and inappropriate behavior. I pulled up to the stop sign where she had stopped and I explained his outrage and then he approaches my daughters window and told me if I dont get the you know what out of here I would be pepper sprayed lol!!! Seriously dude your lucky I had my kid in the car or I might have taken my chances with you!!! I clearly respect the biking laws and love to exercise myself but I choose to use the appropriated areas in town our tax dollars have paid for not one of the busiest roads in town. Anyways Happy Sunday everyone!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 17:12:29 +0000

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